Sumod's daughter 😊😊

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Hello everyone

Hope you all are well

This is another random thought of mine about sumod.
So I thought why not to write it for you all

So here you go

After 6 years of sumod marriage
Note siyali is sumod daughter and
Kriti is pramod sister and aditys is her husband

Mumbai, 5;00 pm

"I'll not celebrate my birthday till dad will not come." A 6 year old girl said from cupboard

"Kiddo come, he can't come as he has important work." She tried to say

"Even more important than us? You know he even not wished me. I don't complain when he not came for seeing my performance but this time I'll not listen." She said sobbing making lady's heart wrench.

"I remind him, but still. Don't know why the hell pramod is not picking my calls." sushela muttered

"Siyali see we both will do even dadu and dadi." sushela tried to say, but Siyali started to cry more.

"No I'll not come outside, ask him to come or else I'll never talk to him." Siyali said

"We both will not, but see dadu dadi will feel bad if their Siyali will not come downstairs." sushela tried to say

"Even I'm feeling bad not seeing my dad presence, you go and tell everyone Siyali will not come until her dad will not come." Siyali argued, and started sniff.

"And yes call dad too and pass my message that his siyu will never talk to him." Siyali

"So someone is planning." A voice came making sushela turn.

"pramod." sushela tried to say

"I'll explain later." He muttered, she nodded in yes and side from there.

"Siyu see." He said, but Siyali opened door and again closed it.

"I am angry." She angrily said

"Okay then I'll give surprise to your Mumma." pramod said smiling.

"Why you'll give her surprise? Today's my birthday, so give me surprise." Siyali said, stand keeping her hand either side of waist.

"But you're angry." pramod said taking her in his arm.

"I was only pretending, I already knew you must be busy in planning something special for me." Siyali said kissing his cheek

"Really? So now I can take my daughter for surprise?" pramod

"Yes of course, or else whom you'll take?" Siyali asked

"Point, so be ready." pramod said and made her stand.

"You're the best dad." She said, and turned to go but thinking something she stopped and signed him to pick her again.

"You are also good, but not more than my dad." Siyali said kissing sushela cheek.

"Thanks for your compliment, now go soon." sushela said kissing her forehead.

"Yes or else adi will eat my cake." Siyali said, and ran from there.

"Respect him." sushela tried to say, but till then Siyali was out of her reach.


"You forget?" sushela asked, and helped him to remove his blazer.

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