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Hope you all are well

Mai ye kal post karne wali thi but on special request of _jiyarasholicpragya_ aaj hee dal diya😊😊

This plot was suggested by one of my reader.......

Susheela realised her love for pramod and was just about to confess before their engagement ...

So basiclly this os is after dp gets to know about fake engagement drama and he called off the engagement
And as he disrespect mini and his family as in show.
But this time mini also said so many things to dp and they both get into a heated argument......

Mini ask pramod to chosse between susheela and her........
And dp also says so many bad things to susheela.......

And after listeing this sushela runs from there.

Sushela stood on the hill top, from now her life took many turns, absentmindedly staring at the roaring waves below. Her face pale, tears streaming down her cheeks. The look of defeat on her face could be clearly seen.

Sushela's POV:

Why why it only happen to mee why destiny always play games with my life

First my dad who never excepted me and garima whole heartedly just because we are girls then from society chachi ji and from my dad i recived accustion of being careless, bailbudhi,  Humiliation from my dad whom I considered my ideal.

Then when I had suffered the undeserved hell. Unwillingly I was tied in sacred bond with the person who had stood against my whole family my dad chachi ji and all and samja also only for me, the one who had confessed his love to me but never tried claiming it.

He is the first person who supported me in every step I took, guarded me from every evil, loved me like no one did, pramod my pramod my chotta haddi first and last love.

Yes first love! I am sure about this because what I feel for him is nowhere stands near what I had felt for anyone.
with pramod it is different. What I feel for him can't be described in words. Last one too because I know now nothing can repair my damaged heart and no one can replace his image which is imprinted on my soul forever. I can not leave him now..

He has been the reason of my laugh when my lips have refused to form a smile.
He has been the reason of my solace when my heart has formed the habit of discomfort due to all the drama going around.
He has been the same person who has showered me with all his love and care when I have royally ignored him and his feelings.
I guess that's why I am getting this punishment, this unbearable pain in my heart, shattering me into pieces, killing me with each passing moment.

I want to laugh at my fate, at the same time want to scream "Why this is happening to me? Why?"

Today everything was going to settle down. I am going to confess my love to pramod but alas.
Today I was going to make pramod realise that I do love him and I want to thank him for everything  that he has done for me to achieve my dreams but today i realised that vo sapna hee kya jisme woh naa hoo mera chotta haddi naa hoo.

I was so happy that my first love will not remain incomplete; it will get its destiny. Only if I knew that everything was going to change.

I am going to be reason of my own agony. Isn't that said everything you give that gets back to you here only. This is the end result of that only. When pramod was trying to make me believe he does love me what I did?

I never trusted him, took him for granted. Never acknowledged his feeling, in return only gave hurt to him.
I never accepted his his love  but still  he had blindly supported me.

Today I am experiencing the pain which he might have gone through of not being able to be with the person whom you love the most.
I have kept him away from myself now destiny is doing the same with me.

The memory of few hours before come rushing to my mind which is the reason of my grief...............

I know chotta haddi loves her mom a lot and i dont want him to choose between me and her mom.....

Life has snatched away the person who was supposed to stay by my side..

I was numb too react. How could I possibly let go of him. I love him and he too though i didn't tell him yet. But i left from there just running because now i dont want him to get into trouble or face any problem because of mee...

Now he was no more mine to call. I could have fought for him, for us but my mind was numb and thinking about mini aunty', statements

I could not let him suffer in all these process of choosing in between the two of us with whom he wants to be.

It will only hurt him. I have given him enough of pain, I won't be reason, of his agony anymore.

I ran and ran as fast as I could, without caring where I was going. I just ran where my legs were taking me without caring to wipe tears flowing through my  eyes, continuously.
When my body refused to move further I stopped realising the place it was hill top..

Now my dried up eyes started welling up at the memory of us together which is now not possible. In dreams his mine but in reality he is now my dream.

A voice came from back

Guess what?

I was fool to think that. I was fool to feel you  loved me." Tear trickled down corner of his eye.

"I ...I love...." I lift my hand to wipe it. I see him backing away leaving me.

As always he was there to hold me without me asking him to do so. He pulled me hugging close to him. I cried in his chest hiding myself in his embrace, my sobs becoming louder with passing time, tears soaking his shirt wet. He held me closer caressing my hairs and back to calm me down without saying a word.

I love you too mad woman! Never ever, you dare to pull such stunt! Understood?" He said kissing my forehead affectionately and pulling me in his embrace again holding me closer to his heart.

S- (while sobbing)but pramod mini aunty aur papaa

P- sshssh we will talk to them.....

Pramod , my pramod he has never given upon his loved one. He has taken his decision long back. He has decided to be with me in all ups and down of life.
He has decided to protect me with all his strength. Today he has confessed his love again and he claimed it. He stood to fight for us. Nothing else matter now, not how he did everything. Why he did not stop me earlier? How he found me here? Why he behaved this way? Nothing!

What mattered is his decision. Now when we are together I do not want to think of anything else.
I am very happy for us and I do not want to ruin it.
May be We were meant to be together, but god was testing us, testing our love. We won every battle. He never left me alone. I am thankful to God for sending him in my life. I am grateful to God that he took decision of tying us together in beautiful emotion called LOVE!

Staying like that for awhile he brought his lips downwards, placing them on her forehead he gave a kiss full of affection and love, adoring woman he loves whispering his words of love for her his daily routine.

The end



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