Chapter 1

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edited by: asyssj from Ao3

"Is this your child?" asked Roger to your father. You crept behind your father's legs so as to not be seen.

Your mother said, "I never knew you would be so worried about your niece... Roger."

"I am! She is my niece," he said in his defense.

"Brother... please go." Your father attempted to persuade the other man.

Roger only looked at his brother, the smile fading from his face. "I am just here to confirm what happened to my niece."

Your father sighed. "The doctor said it is normal for beta's to have their pheromones weakened at this age."

"I see, I see... it is 'normal' for betas."

"So please... we have got to go," your mother said, looking from side to side.

"Hiding the fact that my niece is the result of two bloods that shouldn't be mixed together," he trailed off as he crouched down to your level.

You look at him, still scared of this man you just met.

"I have a son who is a year older than you. I hope you and Spade can be friends," he said. You peered when you heard about kids of the same age as you are since you are still working on gaining friends.

"Brother... your son's name is 'Ace' not Spade."

The man laughed, "Sorry 'bout that. Ace then... I hope you and Ace will be able to play together."

"We have to go. I got a feeling someone is boring holes at us," your mother picked you up. When you look at the other side, you see the colors of black and pink coats those two men wear from afar as they wave at you.

One is wearing weird glasses while the other has a cigarette lit.

Unconsciously, you wave to them too.


"Did you see that, Cora? Our niece is an angel!" The man with red glasses said.

"Doffy... I do not think she waved at us because she knows us," rebutted the other guy.

"But she is so cute. I better tell Croccy about this," he said and took out his phone.

'Law is also around that age,' Rosi thought.


Your mother has made you wear those scented stickers ever since. She said it was to hide that you were lacking scent.

Beta is already a burden and being basically close to scentless? What a shameful beta.

But as time goes by not only are you close to scentless, you also become unable to smell pheromones.

You always enjoy the scent of alphas when they know you rigged your score. They always look at you with scorn.

Alphas work hard. Who said they are born talented anyway?

They worked hard, studying like crazy. But for you, it is just like a game.


This is the same alpha who got praised because he got a high score. While you were accused of cheating.

Why is he cornering you?

It is because you purposely switched your test papers.

"I am 'helping' you," you said.

Earlier that day, you noticed how he looked dejected. Like his entire life had been a lie.

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