Chapter 33

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Two years ago...

When you are a child, the only difference you have with alphas... is that they are alphas. In terms of strength, mental capabilities, even thinking, you know you are at parr, maybe even greater.

Well, that is what you thought.

In Raftel, you met alphas whose strength are immeasurable. Being defeated again and again.

'defeat is really a bitter taste', you thought when you are pondering back in Party's bar.

"(Y/n)-chan...can you help me move tables?", Makino called out.

"No need, Makino-san...I got it", you lift the table with no problem.

Makino is a paired omega, though you don't know who she is paired with.

What you is part of Akagami crew, led by Shanks.

"You are really strong, (Y/n)-chan", Makino said.

"No, the table is just light", you said. When your parents said they will send you somewhere near new world, you thought it is some training ground or something.

But to think it is some old bar, you sigh. Though the ambiance is so refreshing that you forget about things you should be thinking.

'I wonder what is Peng and Shach doing?', you thought.

'even heat and wire, Coby, Drake...Though Cracker, Queen and Jack will be fine...', you stopped thinking for a moment.

'friends...', you smiled. 'It's nice...'


The rumors of Party's bar having a peculiar bar maid grew. Later drunkards started to swarm, most of the time Lucky Roux, one of Shanks' crew who is always at the bar is out.

"(Y/n)-chan it's okay...I already called Dadan", Makino said.

'Dadan is a bandit... according to Makino she took care of Luffy, Ace and Sabo', your mood became sour once again.

"Nahh...Makino-san...My mood turn sour", you said. Driving the drunkards out even treating them 'delicately' also known as beating them to a pulp.

That moment, instead of those people dying down...they swarm just to test your strength.

They even go underhanded by using their rut to make you bow down. 'Jokes on them that doesn't work on me'

Taking care all of it...two men are left in the room. One is a bit older, maybe the age difference are like Roger and Doflamingo.

"What a show you got there, are you really a beta?", The older alpha said. "Refill Makino"

" about you Vergo-kun? It's been a while", Makino.

"I can go with beer as well", Vergo said.

"Come on, sit Beta...we have a lot of things to ask", Scopper said.

Looking at Makino, she just nod. "If you are asking if I am an alpha...I am actually a beta", you said.

"That can't be right...did you know how many people did we see you fight?", Scopper.

"That is just a normal got worse when it is weekend", you said.

Makino came in with the beer, as well as an orange juice for you. "We are actually called out here for something else", Vergo talked.

You are not in a slightest interested on what will they say. The last thing you want to do is be anywhere near these two.

Since you can feel their aura..."how about going to arena?", Scopper.

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