Chapter 9

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You didn't really think about it. Why those three Alphas, who bullied a helpless Beta are crucified.

Signage of what they done, and why they have to lose their pity excuse for a life.

You just need to vent out the frustration...Though maybe it is because you see the world as gray, that even if they plead for their lives, you just cannot find the will to let them go.

Or maybe it is just because of your hatred towards alphas.

"I already examined this one here", you said to Shachi.

"Yeah, put it here...", Shachi gave you a body bag.

Not the usual stretcher…"Why here?", you asked.

"Cap wants to examine this himself, we will take the corpse in his personal space...He cannot have it like last time", he said.

"I see...", You said and put the body in.

"You are acting... pretty normal...despite handling a corpse", You heard someone says behind you. You don't have to know who it was, since you know full well who this is.

"I am wearing full gear to not inhale any uncalled for Pheromones…Though I warn, Nami-san to back away...we don't want you to inhale them in my stead", you said.

"You do are carrying a big alpha effortlessly...that needs to be carried by two", she said cleverly.

"I might be stronger than average...I guess", you said and lift the alpha. "There were instance like that, yeah?", walking pass the red head.

"This is the first time I saw you...who are you?", she asked.

'Do I have to say this everytime?'

"What are you saying Nami-san? We are in the same class", you said. "You must think you are so clever...seeing a petite beta lifting an alpha with no problems... what's next? Because you don't know me...I am a suspect here?"

You (E/c) eyes look at her obsidian ones. "I prefer to be the innocent nurse who help than a cold blooded murderer", you said coldly.

When you are walking away, 'I hope I did not over do it...'


"Hello...I think we never met before...I am sorry", someone spoke to you. You look back only to see Law's right hand man, Bepo.

Bepo is from a unique Mink tribe. Although Minks are basically animals with human attributes, but legends had it that, That tribe will be special when the full moon arrives.

"I think we never do", you remove your mask for Bepo to see you face. "I am (L/n) D. (Y/n)…please take care of me from now on", you said.

"'D'?", Bepo cocked his head to the side. "Like... Captain's?"

" is a different kind...", you said fully understanding what he meant. 'It is something your Captain will flip if he finds out'

"But...Bepo...please keep it a secret from everyone, okay? about my name? Not even to Captain", You said to Bepo.

"A-ah...but...", Bepo began to look away from you.

'Of course...this will happen'

"It is just our little secret~ And...Cap won't find out...since he won't be asking", you assured him. 'Since Law seems to be the type to figure things out himself...he won't be asking something about this things to Bepo...nor Shachi and Penguin...Maybe he will figure it out quite late too'


Luffy look at where the crucified alphas were ones was.


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