Chapter 4

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edited by: asyssj

Sometimes, you don't need to know the pheromones in a certain area to understand what the mood of the room is.

All the alphas that are interested in Coby have a scowl on their faces.

You went to class earlier than usual only to see a new face sitting in your chair.

The alpha looks at you, even though Coby is still not here. He seemed to look at you, and went outside.

'He is calling me,' you thought. You complied his unvoiced demand to go outside. You were grabbed by the collar as soon as you were out of the class.

"So you are the crazy Beta," he said.

"My, my... such an aggressive alpha," you said playfully. "I am just a mere beta. What did I do to deserve this?" wincing when he banged your back to the wall.

"WHO WOULD GIVE A HEAT INDUCING CHOCOLATE TO AN OMEGA?" Even though he shouted, it was quiet enough to not alarm the other classes. "You only got away this time because Coby said you didn't mean it, but I am watching you."

He let go of your collar roughly and turned away. "Intentional or not, shouldn't you be thanking me? You finally mated with Coby."

He glanced at you. You were sure he would punch you by the way he glared at you. But he decided not to. He continued to walk away.

"Guess I moved a little carelessly and lost my diversion," you mumbled. "I should learn my lesson after this."

The scenario in your mind was some kind of an alpha, being all heroic and denying their urge to mate with Coby.

But you guess it was a wishful thinking since this place is full of hormonal alphas.


Coby was mated to the newly returned student, X Drake.

The very same alpha that Coby was with when you were tailing him. A sudden knight caught your queen.

You gave out a sigh. 'Now I lost my seat,' you told yourself. The room was crowded, and you were sure no one would even kno--

"Where are you going?" Shanks asked you.

"Finding a seat," you said impassively.

"Really? Hmmm... I think we can tweak a few seats here and there," you decided to trust your teacher.


"Ussop, Chopper, can you move over a little?" The two betas looked at their teacher weirdly but decided to do so.

Shanks put a seat between them, "There you go... told you I could tweak a seat."

"Perfect, I always wanted to sit here," Ussop gave a startled wheeze when he heard that.

The long nose looked at the unfamiliar beta who just sat between them. "Heya Ussop-kun, Chop-kun!"

The two betas look around. Even though they are making a ruckus, no one seems to pay attention to them.

"What... who...,"Ussop tried to ask.

"(L/n) D. (Y/n). Nice to meet you."


Crocodile looked at the blonde, who was only watching from a distance. "Funny how you aren't interested in that cute omega. So uncharacteristic of you," he said.

"Fufufufu, I am not interested in that department. I have you... why do I need a cute omega when I have a cute alpha right here?" He said, trying to cuddle on Crocodile while the older man tried to pry him off.

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