Chapter 24

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" Aghhh ... King ... what the hell...", Queen said. He openly looked disgusted at the omega beside King.

"I want to get close to everyone! ", Eris said happily.

'like hell you do', Jack and Queen thought.

"You are telling me to just keep quiet and clench this? ", Jack whispered.

"Ugh...", Queen. " King...take' that' thing out of here"

King looks at the two oddly.

" Why?"

"I am working on Pheromones...if you don't notice ... ", Queen pointed the side of the room where all his scientific concoctions were. " She might not be sensitive to pheromones ... But this might trigger 'something' her...we don't want unnecessary heat again, do we?"

Queen looks at the Omega again who is puffing her cheeks. " To be don't look like a Donquixote " . Those last words send the Omega to the edge.


King was shocked at the sudden outburst of the Omega. Queen who found the reaction interesting ... "let me say it again ... you.don' Donquixote ", he said word by word.

Eris just bit her lips as her face turned red, clenching her hand into a fist. " Heh ... Why don't I? A Celestial Dragon talked to me the other day ... They said they were welcoming me...who isn't the Donquixote now?! " , She said.

Jack could not help but snickered, while king sent the blonde a death glare. " Sorry, King ... Cannot help but laugh"

"What seems to be funny? ", King.

"Don't glare at Jack ... even find it funny ", Queen laughed. " What can Celestial Dragons call you for being a Donquixote? Doflamingo's family is not part of the Celestial Dragons since they fled..."

Eris was caught off guard. Surely it will throw some kind of superiority to those arrogant buffoons ... She did not expect those two to know.

"Though if it did happen ... Celestial Dragons will be mad to know it is just an imitation ", Eris looked at Queen.

Their staring contest came to a halt when a beaker exploded. " That goes another one...", he said. " King...get her out of here ... "

King can only so much as get Eris away. " I am sorry ... They are a bit too harsh"

"It 's okay ... Not many omegas are accepted by Alphas. ... that is a normal reaction ", Eris said. Bottling up the emotion she has.

"Normal reaction my ass...", Queen who heard their conversation muttered.

"How does she still have that scent? Doesn't she run out? ", Jack.

"About that ... I received a letter from her it came with no address, just mine ... ", Queen said. " But you know it is her"
Jack . Look at the contents of the letter. It is quite short, Three words order.

["Give her perfumes"]

"Such a bossy Beta ", The queen said.


"You're seeing me off? " , Coby looked at Drake.

"Of course, I am ", Drake said. " And this is better ... I don't want to stick with Sasaki and Who's who, they always fighting"

"Hmmm...the bus won't be arriving at the moment. ", Coby sat down on the chair at the bus stop. Drake as well, as he lightly put his head on the Omega's shoulder. "I'm sorry you have to go"

Coby likes how sometimes Drake acts like this. " This is my decision"

"Should I blame her? I heard Eris has been worming in their hearts by now...when she comes back ... ", Drake.

"When she comes back ... She will take everything"

"I also heard she is trying to get close to white team...Queen has been complaining"

"We are the closest to her...maybe she wants to earn our trust ", Coby.

"What trust is she earning? We don't even trust, (Y/n)", Drake.

"You don't trust her? ", Coby looked at him.

"Not to a certain extent ... I guess ", Drake.

"The other day, I said good-bye to Penguin, Shachi, Heat and Wire ... It seems Peng and Shachi were pestered by Eris ", Coby remembered.

"I...won't be smitten with her ", Drake assured. Wrapping his arms around the Omega's hips. " But if she tried ... I might spill things both you and that beta will be made at"

Coby laughed, " she won't try to seduce you!"

"Oh please...tell that to me if I did not see her almost trying to get on someone's pants"

Coby look at Drake ... "she did?"

"Countless of times...", Drake. " Good thing all of them have chastity"

"So you don't?"

"I Don't if it's you ", Drake said and inhaled from Coby's neck. Maybe even marking the Omega.

"D-drake...", Coby brushed. " W-we can't"

"I'll miss you ", Drake He looked at the Omega's eyes. Even dove for a quick kiss.


Heat groan ... "that Omega will kill me! ", He said.

Wire who was just reading some late magazine issue looked at him and back to the magazine.

" ... I know sometimes (Y/n) is a bit annoying...with her mind games or whatever ... but she is tolerable ", Heat.

Wire blinked and turned the page.

"Ughhh....would you stop? If you ask me...(y/n) looks like a Donquixote more ... than that omega ever will ", he said.

The other sigh and moved to the other side of the magazine.

"She just have the hair and eyes ... That's just it ... The rest are just going to the dumpster " . Heat continues to slander the Omega while Wire just continues reading.

"You do expect she will return, yeah? " , Heat.

Wire looked at him and back in the magazine and say, "yeah"***

Custard looked at his...older brother. If he is really her older brother. " Who are you? ", she asked.

"What the fuck? What do you mean?! I'm Cracker! ", Cracker said.

"N-no ... I mean...the Cracker-nii that I know never even bothered to do tasks ", Custard said.

The alpha just irked at what his sister said, "just give me my task", he said.

Custard who reluctantly gave him the set of papers ... cannot help but mutter, " Since when did you try to be profitable to Mama?"

Cracker ignored his sibling and looked at the task. It is just some errand and managing some land. "Tsk...", He has to be away from this place more frequently.

His siblings are now getting closer to the Omega to the point they are trying to hook her to Katakuri.

He doesn't care if Katakuri gets married to that fool. But the fact that they are getting married as a union of Charlotte and Donquixote?!

'SHE ISN'T EVEN A DONQUIXOTE!', that is what he wants to say. He even can tell Mama is expecting him to say something. Of course, Mama knew who was the real niece.

Nothing can escape Lin lin after all ... Cracker has been taking note every time Eris has dinner with them. Mama will look at him ... But Cracker ignored her stare and just openly hate the Omega. Not even saying a word of what he knows.

He can even tell, Eris wants to gain his trust. Since, he is the only Charlotte that hates her.

Though Cracker can never tell if Mama likes her as a daughter-in-law, or likes her since she is just a toy for her.

He can never tell...all he can do is hold his tongue and observe with disgust. There is nothing for him if he tells what he know.

Since He, looking for your return, and just ended this imposter.


Rayleigh is handling renovation in J-annex. He should be the one taking care of this, since the materials to rebuild this building is no joke.

He never had this problem before, since not many students use J-annex as a base. But of course, that Beta has to be an odd ball.

Maybe the oddest ball in the pile.

Rayleigh has not been able to communicate with Roger for a whole week. That man has been cooping himself up in his office, drinking whiskey and doing paperwork.

'at least he is doing paperwork', he thought. He is also not the only one suffering in this predicament.

Rayleigh has to be thankful, he only has to take care of Roger.


Crocodile looks at the two brothers. He almost bit the tobacco in his mouth in annoyance of the two.

"Doffy... Rosinante...GET THE FUCK UP! " , he yelled.

Rosinante only groaned on the sofa and shifted away. Doflamingo just put a finger up and down again.

He sigh ... 'for a week .... for a freaking week...they are drunk as fuck...' , Crocodile said.


Now, Doffy groan. "Five more minutes ", he said.

'both aren't even in bed', Crocodile thought. Both men have been in the office drunk for days now.

Law has been concerned about Rosinante since the alpha did not even bother to go to his weekly check. ups.

Crocodile can only groan and be annoyed. These two are a lost cause, " Can't you two at least act happy to your niece? ", he said, picking up the bottles.

"What is there to be happy about? ", Rosinante asked.

"I don't know ... She won the Red and Blue War " , Crocodile.

"She didn't win anything...she left", Doflamingo. "We are talking about the oth--", Doflamingo threw the bottle to the wall beside him. "Croccy...I don't want to even see or hear that bitch " , he said.

"Of course ... you don't ", Crocodile. " I'll visit (F/n) and (m/n) this weekend ... Don't even bother to come with me ", he noticed how the two perked up like they did not even have hangovers.

"Why?", Rosinante.

"Because all of us here...knew how those two are. We don't want to take a lose step...", Doflamingo is looking right at him. " I will kill you both if you try to tail me"


Robin noticed how from time to time, Jinbei will sigh and look away.

By the third sigh ... "Is there something bothering you, Boss Jinbei? asked.

"It is nothing. Is she a new member?", Jinbei gestured to the Omega who is playing cards with Ussop and Chopper, while Zoro and Sanji both on her side.

"She isn't ... but she hangs sometimes ", Robin.

"Sometimes? She is frequently here. Might as well let her join in"

"That...might be...""Luffy-kun also said there is someone he wants to add ... it might be her", Jinbei said.

Robin laughed, "if it is her... shouldn't Luffy be playing with them as well ...? ", They stared at Luffy who was looking out the window.

Unusual for luffy to not be playing with the others. As well as, not interacting with someone new.

"...I see...", Jinbei. "Another weird thing, that I must point out"

Robin waited while the fishman construct on how he will point out something out of the odd. "She doesn't look like a Donquixote"

The raven haired look at the Fishman. While Franky who is listening quietly while drinking cola stopped for a moment and continue.

"She is blonde...neon eyes...she looks like one ", Robin said.

"At first I thought so too...but over time...only being blonde and neon eyes are the only trait"

"Maybe that is because she is not even a straight descendant of Doflamingo, she is just a niece after all"

Jinbei sigh, " you are right then again ... Maybe it is just me"

Franky and Robin looked at one another and back to the group that was playing cards.

'Jinbei is perceptive', they both thought.


Shanks is finally discharged from the hospital. The class is under monitor by Rayleigh, and Mihawk is driving to their shared house.

(a/n: UwU)

"Why Did you go easy on her?", Mihawk asked not even looking at the red hair.

"What do you mean? ", The other asked.

"She is not on the level to even take down anyone in your class...yet you lost an arm...tell me ... Akagami no Shanks...what is going on", Mihawk said.

"You are wrong, she is strong ... and I carelessly look down on her ... that is why this happened ", he said, touching his fully healed arm.

"You also have the option of a prosthetic arm...but you choose not to", Mihawk sigh.

"Is hawky worried about me?"

"I am not worried ... I am just saying ... Your performance is already with the lost of--"

"Bad?! I am not 'bad' in bed!", Shanks retorted.

"Says who?", Mihawk said.

Shanks looked down on Mihawk's pants. The raven head notices the hint of perverse in Shanks' eyes.

"I am driving, Akagami"

"Then continue driving~ I won't bother you...that much ", the red hair said and licked his lips.


A civilian driving behind Mihawk cannot seem to know why a red car kept on wobbling as if the driver is drunk.

The civilian made a hand gesture for her to over take. She tried peering at the driver, but the Sedan slowed down and went to a secluded area.

She pushed her glasses up and shrugged...'maybe the driver is drunk'

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