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"ohm, how did it go?"

"Just like you said. I told Smoker about your concern", ohm said.

The alpha look expectant, "and?"

Ohm stare for a few seconds at him. "What? He did his job...what else should happen?"

"I dunno, maybe dragging the addict out...its not beautiful that someone like that is staining my lovely school", he said as if the school was his.

"We both know that's not how it works", Ohm sigh. While the alpha chuckle, "I know... it's not me who will drive her out...It's other's job"


"It really been a while since we saw each other", Monet.

"Yeah, I have to trash all my upcoming works just to be here... Lucky me"

"It isn't that bad here, I am sure you will like it"

"You wish"


"Oi, you comin' bro?", Who's who look at the Beta.

"Pass", the beta said as he flip another card that is floating in the air.

"Want anything?"

"I said pass", he said firmly.

"No need to shout about it"

"Don't go near the gymnasium... Bad omen is coming"

Who's who sighed, "if you talk like that, you will attract 'bad omen'"

When the alpha is away, he sigh. "Too late"


"yes, we did..." An alpha female said over the den den mushi tapping her fingers on her arms. "They remarkably did well"

While looking at the other three who is watching Television, on mute.

"...is that so? Well, the other one...got into trouble with someone", she reported.

"All in all, we did survive it, no surprise there. Minor injury, but nothing personal"

"Are you done?" The largest asked.

"Just wait, I am reporting" she shushed. "...I am making dinner, the canteen are not to their liking... No surprise there"

"...", She stopped stirring. "Are you sure?"

Another silence, "okay...I'll let them know"


Smoker scoff as he look at the new recruit. "I'll keep them in check Taisa", the Beta said.

"If you are thinking its the other students, you are wrong...we just need to keep an eye on her", he brought down a picture.

"She got out scott free from being suspended. Even manages to get off hook with the accusations pointed at her", Smoker gave out a tired sigh.

"I don't know about the higher ups... Since I am sure they never heard of her before", he looks at the picture.

The beta look at the picture as she move her glasses to see better. "Taisa... isn't she just a normal Beta?"

"You'll know what I am talking about once you see her", he said puffing a smoke.


Doflamingo look at the two. "No games you two..."

"Hmmm, is she really strong? Not like Bellamy?", The omega asked.

"Perhaps way too strong compared to him", Crocodile.

"She needs our help?", Beta female asked as she gave a glass of wine she normally served.

"...not that much. But she will surely do in many ways than one", Rosinante.

"I am up for it!", The Omega.

"Me too", the Beta.


In the dark hall on the way to Whitebeard's office. A Beta male walking on his way, to the said office.

He stopped when he heard that Pops is having a call with someone.

"So, you are telling me...even THE Vegapunk doesn't have the answer...", The old man sigh. "...then how? If there is no cure..."

The beta didn't understand what his Pops was talking about.

"Hey D---", another beta greeted but he covered his mouth and shush him silently. The boy look at him confused, he answered by signalling to Pop's door.

"Jozu, search for it...I am afraid, Ace will go deeper. Good thing Marco is getting better", they know from their Pop's voice he is worried.

"...what did she do to them to act like that"

Both betas look at one another. The taller man gulped the lump in his throat and knock.

"I will call you back Jozu. They are here", Pops brought the phone down.

"Pops, why did you call us?", The shorter asked.

"It is about something...quite peculiar thing...", Whitebeard said as he rub his chin while thinking.

"Is Ace and Marco alright?", the taller.

"So you both heard...", Whitebeard sigh and lean to the chair. "There is nothing to hide, I guess. But I hope you both will still be able to agree with what I want both of you to do"


"Please please please!", Shanks pleaded to the pink haired Omega.

"Hmp! No way!", The omega puff her cheeks and look away.

"Come on! She likes cute pink haired Omegas! You fit the description so well"

(A/n: this information is brought to you by theory theory no mi: half lies half nonsense)

Mihawk give his lover a good stare, and asks himself why he pick this man again.

Giving out a sigh, "this will also help Moria...so why not cooperate with us."

The Omega look at both of them seeing at least an ounce of sincerity. "Fine...I'll do it...in one condition", she said.

Mihawk sighed, "of course..."

"Why are you two planting a spy around her", the Omega asked.

Both alphas take a side glance to one another. "Just to keep in check", Shanks said vaguely.

The Omega purse her lips, totally not satisfied to their answer. "Fine...If you can't tell me...I'll find out myself"


Gulping down every food that was offered to her, another female Omega look at the school newspaper.

"Holy shit...she really got played", she said. She has been silently supportive with the blonde Omega, but boy she has to let her go.

"Man oh man...no one even pointed out that she is showing her real colors here", she laughed as she gobble down the Pizza.

"Yo! What are you reading?", An alpha came in.

"Just the news about the trial, man...Why didn't I go there the other day", she said.

"Mainly because of your food", the alpha look at her.

"Meh...", The omega look at the article where a certain Beta was taken a close shot. Looking closer, "hey, doesn't she look like someone?"

Alpha leaning in having his eyebrow up and look at it. "Nahhh, bruh. Doesn't ring no bells"

"Hmmm, no...I know her somewhere...hey let's go", the Omega jump up her seat and took in tow the alpha.


"Yeah! You are coming with me!"

"Wait wait, B. No!!!"

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