Chapter 8

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edited by: asyssj from ao3

Since there was a shortage of seats, Shanks was now forced to add another table for you and Yamato. Turns out, Yamato and Drake were seatmates back then.

Because Drake doesn't want to move, and he doesn't want Coby to sit somewhere else. Shanks has no choice but to ask for another table.

Yamato expected that he had the table to himself... You on the other hand are reluctant about greeting this person.

He seems to be the type to just babble words. If they interact with you that is. You like seating beside Coby since he has this cute reaction around you, being all scared and jumpy.

But Yamato seems like a different entity altogether.

It is like putting an overly friendly dog next to a hostile bat.


"What is wrong, Yamato-kun?" Vivi asked.

"O-oh, N-nothing. I was just wondering if anyone wants to exchange seats with me," Yamato said.

"Huh? Why? I thought you like that seat Yama-bro," Franky asked.

"I do! I really do! But...," he looks around. "I think the table is haunted," he said. Good thing Chopper and Usopp were not at the table in a moment. For sure both Betas will shit their pants from his statement.

"Haunted? In broad daylight? Stop shitting, Yamato," Nami said.

"I am honest! It is like the seat next to me is moving on its own! And I cannot even move that much! Since I might anger the ghost," It seems the teen is dead set on claiming he is having a ghost for a seat mate.

Robin is amused by what he is saying. Since she knows fully well, Yamato is not seated with a ghost.

"Well, You remembered what Marco said... about that student who caused arson while talking to them?"

"Ace said it was an accident."

"Accident or not, the student caused an arson. According to Marco, that student is part of this class..."

Yamato just got goosebumps. "No way?! Did that student die in the arson?"


"Did that student die in the arson?"

'Well... surely I did not die in the arson I personally made,' you thought, amused, while drinking a bottle of water you bought in the vending machine.

You were just a few tables away from the Strawhat crew, who were talking about the 'haunted' seatmate of Yamato.

Luffy, who is not participating in the conversation and was so immersed with the piece of meat sanji has cooked for him.

Zoro on the other hand, is not speaking anything, but was listening to their conversation.

Well, you don't have any idea why in Yamato's vision you are non-existent. The lack of odor? Is there a need to wear an activator?

'I should go to the doctor...,' you thought. Standing up, "Where are you going?"

Cracker looked at you, he seemed to have no seats left in the Cafeteria, and thought he scored a lone table, turned out you were sitting there.

"I just finished my water, I have to go to the clinic."

"Clinic? What the hell are you going there for?" He asked.

"Just some check up," you said and walked off.


"Have you continuously been neglecting your scent stickers?" Dr. Crocus asked you.

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