Chapter 17

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"Sir, you can't enter this room without Mr.Reigns' permission, please."

"Martha, is it?" he asked.

"It's Marie" the female voice answered.

"I'll call you maid number three, since I dealt with 1 and 2 already" the male voice spoke and started searching around the files.

"Get out number three, should I remind you that this is my brother's house and I can do anything here and not one word gets out about my visit or..." the sentence didn't need to be completed as the sinister tone made the threat clear.

There was a movement of the maid moving out and closing the door. I was scared of my cover being blown when the guy stood next to the table.

Oh no no no.

His phone chimed distracting him a bit and I was relieved.

"I got the secret project he's working on, he should not get this deal, he can't have my share, if the deal is signed then sign his death warrant too."

Woah, what's going on here?!

I was panicking because he dropped a pen near the table and he started bending.

Gosh I'll be caught.

I was holding in my breath. There was a noise of glass shattering outside the room which saved me.

"Shit" the man cursed and quickly ran out of the room.

I didn't come out of the table for next five minutes as a precaution. I got up from the table and straightend my dress.

"So you thought I ran out?"

I froze when I saw the man in front, smirking at me.

"I knew there was a maid hiding but realized it a bit late, now I need to get rid of you" he started walking towards me.

I panicked "I will keep my mouth shut, don't worry."

He shook his head and moved towards me.

Well only super move left.

I kept my scared face on and kicked his balls out of the blue. I ran out of the room.

"Miss where were you, please quickly finish your food and leave for boss's office with this contract" she handed me the papers which he had left for me to be signed. I snatched them and continued running.

I signalled the first cab that I saw and left.

Phew! They really are brothers. I'm getting out of their lives.

I marched towards his office building after paying my cab driver. The receptionist seemed to recognize me.

"Hi, do you have an app..."

I ignored her and walked towards his cabin. He seemed to be waiting for me.

"Those are not the clothes for working professionally in my office" he spoke casually looking at my maid outfit.

"Agreed, because I'm not going to work for you, here's your contract" I smiled fakely and extended the papers on his table.

He didn't seem affected a bit which annoyed me "I'm not forcing anyone after all you know the conse..."

I cut him off "See you in court."

He glared at me and I felt proud even though I knew that if he really involved a lawyer, I'll be doomed. I just didn't care at that moment.

He was distracted when his office phone rang "What?"

He seemed angry "Why is my brother here?"

Brother? I fucking need to hide.

While he was busy, I hid behind his couch. Since his back was turned, I was safe.

"Let him in" he hung up.

"Congratulations to my hard working brother, you did it" a man barged into his office.

While they talked, I just hoped that I wouldn't be caught. They both talked like frenemies. The atmosphere seemed really tense.

If he really gets the deal, he'll be killed. Damn, I don't want to, no, please my conscience please stop acting.

While I was procrastinating, the guy left. Zanthus called his receptionist "Where is she?"

"What? You didn't see her leave?" he huffed and angrily hung up.

I knew he was talking about me. I moved out from the couch's back and straightened my body first on the floor.

Damn, that was an awkward pose.

A peer of sleek polished boots came into my line of vision, I gulped and looked up "Hi."

Aloha Bibliophiles,

Have you ever hid in an awkward pose?

Who laughed in this chapter?

Oh, for those who haven't read 'Minding My Own Business', go ahead and read it because I'm soon going to publish it's sequel which is full of romantic comedy.

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