Chapter 3

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I got up early and prepared a toast for myself and Char. She was still sleeping so I preserved her share so she could eat later on. By the time I was ready to leave Char was in the bathroom.

"Char I'm leaving, see you" I shouted.

Suddenly she came out running in her towel and hugged me "All the best Nora."

I hugged her back and then left. I reached my college. Everyone was looking anxious. The atmosphere really got me. I was wearing my hoodie again. Char asked me to dress like a girl but since it was my last exam so she spared me when I told her that I felt comfortable in my hoodie.

My exam went well and finally I was relieved that this terror phase was over. I was free for sometime before my part time job so as usual I thought of roaming around.

When you have no worries, it's a lovely feeling. The weight of exams was off my shoulders. I had a plenty of time before I reached for my part time job.

Come on, I know you all agree with me, after exams students deserve a party. It's not easy being a student. I tightened my hoodie on my head and started window shopping. After plenty of my walking session, I reached a park and started eating the burger I bought.

It's so relaxing. I thought my legs would vanish.

After sometime I started walking to my work place. On the way I saw an old woman carrying a lot of stuff and walking. I went to her.

"Hello Ma'am, may I help you? those things look heavy" I thought of helping her.

She looked at me skeptically. She looked scared. Then I removed my hoodie and smiled at her. It was then she relaxed and gave me her stuff.

"You are so kind and beautiful, I thought you were a thief" She laughed. I joined her.

"So where are you going?" I asked her about her destination.
"Just get me a taxi sweetheart. My driver had to pick up my grandson."

We stopped at the next turn and I was looking for a taxi but before I could get one I saw the same guy with whom I met, more like whom I angered by spoiling his car. But before he could see me, I thrusted all of the stuff into the old lady's hands.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I have to go."

Before she could answer me, I covered my head and ran. I had to take the long way to reach my workplace and I was late.

I shouldn't have tried to help the woman. Man! I am late.

"And who are you?" Char was really angry.
"Your crush" I grinned.
"I am sorry, I.." she interrupted me.
"You were again helping someone right?"
"You already know me so well, I will get back to work" I smiled.

The place wasn't packed but it wasn't deserted either. We both worked smoothly. I had to be extra careful with money as Mr.Hebrew was already mad at me for my late arrival.

We involved ourself in small talk to keep off the boredom.

"Anyways, how did your exam go?" Char asked me while preparing a latte.

"They are over and now I can finally relax, lets have a pizza party tonight, my treat" I fisted my hand in the air.
Char copied me.

So on our way back, we bought a pizza, garlic bread, coke and noodles. The bill was not so small but I didn't mind paying since my exams were over.

After we reached our place, Char started the movie marathon.

But I can't stay awake for long if I don't have to study so I am sure I passed out even before interval.

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