Chapter 35

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It was finally a day off for me.

Who am I kidding? Everyday is free coz I have no job .

I got up quickly and did my morning routine. I was thinking of going back to work in a restaurant. I was hoping to get some work.

By the time I was ready, my overthinking spree already confused me. I had hoped to go back to Tresdon's restaurant but I knew he was Zanthus' friend.

But the staff was so sweet towards me. What am I supposed to do.

I wandered the streets aimlessly. Suddenly, I became hungry after seeing a burger outlet. I bought a sub and went to the park that I usually visited.

"Certain someone told me you would be here" I looked up to see Eric grinning at me.

"I know who told you but why are you disturbing me" I bit into my burger like a caveman to ward him off.

"Very graceful" he clicked my picture.

I slapped away his hands.

"Why are you bothering me?"

"You both are behaving like kids, Zanthus is ready to bite off people's heads if they even make a small mistake, you tamed him, what's going on between you two?" he asked sincerely.

I just shrugged and told him everything.

"I'm grateful that you are trusting me with so much information but I don't understand" he spoke.

"What?" I was irritated.

"His brother's goal seemed like he wanted you to leave rather than tarnishing Zanthus' image or causing him a monetary loss" Eric replied.

Those words made me shut up and I pondered over the entire situation.

Oh no! Could it way...

I got up quickly "Eric you are a genius."

He puffed up his chest proudly "Of course I am but what did I tell you?"

I ignored him "Where is Zanthus right now?"

"He'll be leaving for Singapore tonight."


"No Eric, right now where is he?" I was anxious.

"He said he's meeting mediators for rekindling the defense deal and he hasn't told anything else. He doesn't want any more news to leak but what's up with you?" Eric also looked worried now.

I quickly called Arthur.

"What happened?"  he responded fast.

Ever so professional.

"Arthur, Where's Zanthus?"

He was quiet for a while "I  don't know, boss was in a hurry and left."

"Wha...does that mean you are not with him?"

"No I'm not and..."

"Nobody knows his location and he's alone, are you kidding me!" I was angry.

"Wait, is something the matter...I think you are just overreac..."

"Listen here jerk, just fucking do your job properly, you are a spy, act like one and find him" Eric hung up on him.

"What's the matter?" he asked politely.

"I don't know, maybe I'm just being paranoid...I..."

"Before that I have a very important question" he interrupted me.

I rose my eyebrow expecting him to continue talking.

"Can I eat your leftover burger?"

I glared at him disgustingly.

"Ok, nevermind, come on let's find him" Eric started walking towards his car and I followed.

We drove off hurriedly to search everywhere.

Zanthus please don't do something stupid again.

Hola Bibliopholes,

Who would like to have a friend like Eric?
Who's craving a burger right now?


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