Chapter 4

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A week has passed. Me and Charlotte became closer to each other.

We're not lesbians. I mean we're best friends now.

I asked her once I had got an apartment, if I could shift. I mean I didn't want to be a burden to her. She got really riled up at that and told me that I can leave this house on my death bed.

See, she loves me like her younger sister.

Presently we were watching TV. We had our day off from the part time job.

"Where are you?" Char moved her hands in front of my face.

That snapped me out of my daze.

"Char, I...uh...I topped."

The moment those words left my mouth Char was jumping around and shouting "You are telling me that now?, oh Nora!, it's such a good news, why aren't you dancing?"

She kept on ranting so many things. I was really pleased to see her this happy.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked.

"The graduation ceremony is coming up, I am the valedictorian...uh...I don't have...I mean...without anyone from the ceremony would...I will feel lonely" I sighed.

She smacked my head "What am I, a potato? I am your sister, I will be there, as your family, as your personal photographer."

She hugged me and I cried in her arms.

"Enough girl, we need to buy a graduation dress" She looked excited.

To be honest she's always excited.

"I'll be covered in a long coat, I don't need a dre.."
"Shut up Nora, we do need a dress and yes, you are going to tell your whole college that you are a girl, make it memorable" she smiled in the end.

"Are you also missing your parents?" I asked her.

"We chat every evening, you know that, it's just we learn to treasure some things when we are away from them, enough with the emotions, get your ass up and get ready, come on" she pushed me inside the bathroom.

So after getting ready we left for shopping. We didn't shop like rich people. Our budget was limited but Charlotte made sure that I nearly tried every dress.

We didn't buy heels, bags or perfumes. I convinced her that we can't waste money and I can always share her stuff. She agreed since she was also aware about our financial problem.

But after shopping we spent our money on food.

And yes we ate like monsters.

The day is almost over. Me and Charlotte are watching TV. I'm just hearing her commenting. She can watch nearly anything-- friends, Teen Wolf, Royals and what not.

She kept on ranting and I don't know when I dozed off.

"Get up, Noraaaaaaaa!!"
"What? What? Where's the fire?" I jumped up and fell down.

"Idiot, it's your graduation ceremony, we have to get you ready" Char was pacing around the room.

"My alarm hasn't even gone off, please let me sleep" I tried going back to sleep.

"You're the valedictorian."

Her those words made my sleep vanish.

"Oh god!!" I hurried to the bathroom but only to be stopped by Char.

"We have to get you waxed" she smirked.

"No way in hell, I won't list..." before I could complete my sentence, she knocked me out with something and everything went black.

The light nearly blinded my eyes. I could feel my whole body burning even my intimate parts. I shot up and my head hit Char's chin.

"Gosh! You!, you smacked me and what did you do?" I looked at my body, I was only wearing a long shirt and there wasn't a single hair on my body apart from my head, eyebrows and eyelashes.

"You can thank me, it was difficult to clean you off" Char folded her arms feeling proud.

"My body is paining" I shrieked.

"You're welcome, well I have to get ready too, so now just talk to me after you dress up, we have to do your makeup" she went and started straightening her hair.

I got dressed, the moment I stepped out, I was charmed.

"Gosh Char! you are looking so pretty."

She twirled happily and then started doing my makeup.

Even with all the things we reached the graduation ceremony on time. The Dean was giving the speech.

"....yeah I hope you follow the right path and now let's all cheer up for our valedictorian, Nora step up!"

I got up and smiled, for an effect I removed my hoodie and gave it to char. Everyone was whispering things like
'Oh god the hoodie creep is a girl?'
'Man! I should've dated her.'

I was anxious but Char snapped me out of it "Go Nora, show them what you got."

I nodded and reached the podium.

"Before I start, yes I am a girl, you know me as hoodie creep, weed guy, book worm in disguise and what not. But I enjoyed every second of studying here, in this place. I may not have socialised but I know plenty about you, Kevin(i pointed at him) I know you love gym with a passion, Bri you are really kind, stop changing yourself for others. Everyone else you can meet me after the speech if you are curious about your good quality...."

The crowd cheered up.

"All I would say is, be strong enough to be independent, your life is beginning now, step out of your comfort zone and rule the world because I know you can. Be yourself and you'll get real friends. I got mine and she loves the way I am. Thanks Charlotte. It's because of her that I look more like a girl today. So guys, let's face it we made it till here so we can get anything we want. On the count of, 3,2,1, yay!"

Everyone threw there caps in the air following my lead and then the party began.

I hugged Char "you praised me huh."
"Yes, you are amazing after all" I grinned.

"Hey, Nora I never knew you liked my body, I wish your friend came into your life early so I would have known you are a girl and I would have really asked you out" Kevin smiled.

"Oh knowing that I am happy I came into her life late" Char replied.

I laughed and they both joined me.

"So would you mind going out to eat with my friends?" Kevin asked.

"Sure, if Bri can join us" I brought her out of the pillar she was hiding.

She blushed.

Kevin's group was nice and they got along with us pretty well. For once I felt like a normal person. Char was enjoying herself more. My phone rang and I excused myself from the crowd. Since, my black market old device could hardly pass as s phone.

After the party we said goodbyes. Some of them asked for my number well Char gave them her number instead.

When we reached home, we just collapsed on the sofa.

"It was fun but Char I have to tell you something" I said.

"You fell in love with Kevin?" she scoffed.

"No, shut up, I got a job offer from the no. 1 company because they were impressed by the way the the topper of one of the best university gave her graduation speech. You uploaded my video, didn't you?" I raised my eye brow.

"Oh wow, the plan worked, now we'll be rich. I hope you are ready for the interview tomorrow" Char grinned.

"I'll get the job for both of us" I hugged her and we went to sleep.

So Bibliophiles, I hope you are satisfied. Gosh really big chapter it was.

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