Chapter 11

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I was dancing with Eric and after so much time I was feeling relaxed.

"You're not a bad dancer but I feel bad for stepping on your feet so much. Moreover, I smell like coffee" I  said.

"I'm strong, gym guy, so relax. Moreover, I love coffee" he smiled.

"Smooth, Mr.Greyson. If you are showing interest in me just to get information about Mr.Willaim's company then it's all in vain" I replied.

"Call me Eric, I wish you were my..." he got interrupted by something behind me.

"Miss Dave, we need to go" Zanthus looked pissed.

Dave? Wait I know that...Oh yeah it's Charlotte's surname. So she hid my secret of being an orphan. Thanks Charlie.

I was brought back to reality when Zanthus held my hand.

"Hey man come on! it's a party, let her..." Eric was interrupted.

"Shut up Ric" he started dragging me away.

Charlotte was nowhere and I felt helpless.

"Sir you are hurting me...again" the moment I said that word, his grip loosened.

Power of words.

"You'll be staying locked up in my office tonight as a punishment. You were supposed to stay by my side" he sneered.

What the...

"Why? Why are you doing this?" I asked. I was really frustrated now.

He moved towards me "I'll break you, you will cry, beg, repent to have crossed paths with me. I know girls like you, running after money. You thought going after my friend will serve your purpose. Stay here."

He locked me in his office and left.

Break me? Newsflash Bastard. I am not a crybaby. I don't cry like other girls. I fight.

I pulled out my phone and called Charlotte.

"Nora! where are you? Why weren't you picking my call" Charlie yelled at me.

"Listen, my jerk boss locked me up. Just call a cab and wait outside the building. Beware of CCTV" I cut the call.

I grabbed my pin and picked the lock.

Perks of sleeping on footpath. You learn things like that.

I hurriedly made my way to the cab from which Charlotte was waving at me.

"Nora, this is really getting out of hand. You should drag him to the court" Charlie was pissed.

"Please I need food and sleep."

She didn't pressure me much after that. I went to take shower. After that I ate some cup noodles. By the time, I was done it was 2 am. I dressed in a fresh pair of jeans and shirt and took the cab back to office.

I would give him one hell of a fight.

I was sleeping when I felt something move in my hair. I opened my eyes and the first thing I noticed was Hitler's face inches away from me, his hand in my hair and he was looking at me curiously?

The moment he made eye contact with me, he jumped away to the farthest corner near his chair. I got up and straightened myself.

"Go...good morning Sir."

"Back to your cabin, Miss Dave and I know you ran away from the building. Behave" he was staring at me intently.

"I think you might have seen my twin sister, she came last night and she left the country today. So you can't meet her. Trust me I really have a twin but..."

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