Chapter 34

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Xeltrov's viewpoint

And she left. I didn't realize that the situation escalated so much. We both got riled up in the heat of the moment.

I regret it.

"When is the next board meeting?"

I was shocked to see grandma Nina barging into my office.

"Granny what brings you here?" I bemused.

"Your receptionist isn't that polite, Where's mu sweet Nora? She can't avoid me after making me the next major shareholder in your firm" she grinned mischievously.

Nora, I hurt my angel. Please talk to me again Nora.

"So you are the person she convinced to push back corrupt board members? I'm afraid I have messed up again" I replied.

"I'm all ears" granny took a seat.

Nora's viewpoint

I just sadly roamed around the city. I didn't know what to do. I had experienced enough sadness in my life and I still wasn't used to it.

I don't fucking want to get used to it. God, did you forget to love me?

I was wallowing in self pity when Charlotte called to ask me about my location. I was in no mood to talk to her.

But hey I don't know how to say no.

I was waiting for her in a coffee shop. She showed up quickly.

"Nora, I'm so sorry, I heard what happened, our boss is really a jerk, the moment you left, it was all chaotic..."

"Calm down Charlotte, it's nothing new but I'm not going back there" I shrugged.

"I just know how to change your mood."

"No we are not doing anything that you suggest..."

"Come on, you deserve a break, I want to hear no excuses, we are going to a club tonight, let's get you ready" she grabbed me and then everything happened in a blur.

With her energy and stubbornness, I was dressed sexily and we were standing inside a porsche club now.

"Hey ladies" it was Kevin. Apparently Charlotte just wanted a company until he showed up. They both soon vanished into the dancing crowd.

I walked awkwardly to keep hidden and to move out of this place. Before I could take one more step, someone held my wrist and pulled me around.

"It's really you, I saw you from the vip cabin, I thought I was mistaken, fancy seeing you here and you look hot" it was Sebastian.

I pulled back my wrist "uh...I was just with a friend, I'm waiting for her, is grandma Nina also here?"

I was trying to deviate his attention from me.

"Of course she would love to be here but I told her to stay back, would you dance with me?" he seemed sincere but all I felt was awkward and shy.

"I don't...these heels, I can't...I mean I am not a dancer, you should find some better company."

"Why should I when I have the best company, don't worry " he winked at me.

"No, I..."

"Come on" he held my wrist.

"She fucking said no!" Sebastian was pushed back.

Zanthus looked livid "Hands off."

"Woah dude, you are drunk, let's get you out" Sebastian was acting mature but I was really paranoid when he forced me to dance.

"I'm in my senses enough to know when a woman is being forced" he held my hand and dragged me outside.

Wow Charlotte is nowhere.

"Ok, let go of my hand" I moved back.

"You loose your job so now you are looking for one night stand to pay your bi..."

I slapped him hard "You are disgustingly judgemental, if I'm a slut then you are a manwhore."

I was about to walk away when he fell down.

"Hey!" I tried to make him sit properly on sidewalk.

What a kid.

He placed his head on my shoulder "Why must you cheat me, why did you leak the news, why you saved me from corrupt board members, why you broke my walls, why..."

And he started snoring.

What the...

I called Arthur and he was there within minutes. He was sweet enough to drop me first and then left to drop his boss.

He's more emotional than me.

Hola Bibliopholes,

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