Chapter 7

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"Char, Char, my dear Charlie" I kept on teasing her.

"Shut up! I get it. I will impress them and I am already hired so you don't worry" she rolled her eyes.

Charlotte was looking beautiful. She was dressed professionally. I was still in my bed.

"Ok, I'm gonna leave but will you be fine?" she was worried about me.

"Yes I am going to the restaurant and I will tell our creepy employer that you won't be working there anymore. Now off you go and slay them" I winked.

"About damn time for us to become rich" she grinned and left.

I wore my same hoodie after freshening up. I didn't feel like eating.

I reached for my job on time.

"Nora, where's Charlotte?" Hebrew was already questioning me.

"She won't be working here anymore but don't worry I can manage until you hire someone" I replied.

"Actually she can work here if she want but you can't" he deadpanned.

"What? But why?" I was shocked.

What's with me losing jobs?

"You just can't work here" he shrugged.

"There is not enough help you have here so you better give me a good reason" I glared at him.

"Get out before I call the cops" he bellowed.

What the heck is wrong with him?

I stormed off. I was really pissed and had I stayed, I would have clawed his eyes out.

I sighed. I didn't want to burden Charlotte so I started looking for another job.

Three hours passed and I still was jobless. I couldn't understand why. No one gave me a perfect reason. A guy even said that I needed six years of experience for waiteressing.

I bought a sub and walked towards the park. I felt lost. I sat down and observed people, well, that's what lost people do. Losers like me.

Before I could humiliate myself more, Charlotte called.

"Hey Charlie, how's the first day going?" I asked covering my disappointment.

"It's hectic already, my boss Rhea, she's too orderly but she's nice. I am getting along well. There are many hot guys. I am already in love with my job. I can't thank you enough" she replied.

"I know I am amazing. I'm happy for you. Keep up the good work, see you."

We both hung up at the same time.

At least one of us has a job. Now, what to do next.

Somebody cleared their throat near me "I think you should come with me to meet someone who can solve your problems."

I looked at him "Let's see, a business suit, iPhone X in hand and a car waiting for you. So you want a one night stand or are you interested in human trafficking?"

He laughed "Your first offer is tempting but I am here on an order and I think you should come with me."

"No and is it written on my forehead that I have problems?" I refuted the shady man.

"You will have to go with me, no is not an option" he spoke seriously.

"I can call the cops you know, I see two of them just at the gate of the park" I smirked.

His facade slipped a little "Please I mean no harm, please."

He looked nervous so I thought of letting it go.

Let's help, that's what you always do Nora.

"I would have refused again but since I have nothing better to do, let's go middle man."

"Aidan Macfield, since you are sarcastic and intriguing, you can call me Aidan" he extended his hand and sighed in relief.

"Ok, lets go" I shook his hand and then we walked towards the car.

The moment I realized where we stopped, everything fell back to place.

"I'm not going in there" I jumped out of the car and ran.

Hardly had I reached a few steps when I was knocked out.

I woke up feeling dizzy and my head hurt. I was sitting in a well lit office room. I glared at Aidan.

"How dare you hit me?"

"I didn't mean to but you were attracting attention. I am sorry, I'll pay back.." before he could continue he was ordered to get out.

I looked at the man behind all this ruckus and scowled "What the hell do you want from me?"


Hiii my bibliophiles! I had to end it here to keep the suspense of the kidnapper, though I know it's not really a suspense for you.

So comment and vote.


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