Chapter 14

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Finally by the evening, I was feeling really bubbly because I got myself a part time job for day at one more cafe. It was of cashier.

Now, I can use my analytical learning somewhere.

I haven't met anyone from my past, so I guess my new life has started.

"Evening, Mr.Cale" I greeted my so called boss.

"Get to work, Nora, be careful, at night very special guests and VIPs come, so..."
"I won't mess up" I finished his sentence.

"Great, I'm leaving, you are incharge with other employees here, see you tomorrow" he said.

With that I got on to work of greeting every customer and taking their orders.

Damn, these people are rich, that's awesome amount of tips I have earned.

"Nora, me and Riley are also leaving so you have to handle the entire waiteressing thing now, our shift is over, don't worry, it's midnight, people hardly come after that, so..."

"Ok, Jenny, I'll be fine don't worry, you both go home safely and don't fret, I don't have to cook, I'm just serving" I assured them and bid them goodbye.

It was 2 am and I was on the verge of passing out on the counter of the restaurant.

My back is stiff with all that sitting.

I took out the scarf that Charlotte gave me, from my bag and wrapped around my neck.

I miss her.

Zanthus' viewpoint (the one you have been waiting for)

It's been two days and there's not a single clue of her whereabouts. It's like she never existed. I enquired all the corporate houses but no sign. I even got the cafes checked where she worked before.

"Aidan, do you have any lead?"

"One of the men have sighted a person in black hoodie roaming around north Altwood street, they're keeping an eye but nothing is sure..."

"Damn it, just get the person" I cut him off.
He nodded and left.

I become easily agitated now. In two days I came to know her value and efficiency. She worked amazingly for a month and even put up with my mood swings.

"You might want to see this" Charlotte slid a note on my desk.

I immediately recognized her handwriting.

"It's not my fault entirely, I never knew sisters fight like this, you should have trusted her" I was pissed at her and more at myself.

"I was deceited by you, I'm sorry and we are not really..." she sighed.

"What?" I quirked my eyebrows.

"Get back to work, we don't pay you for dilly dallying."

She left dramatically. I was so annoyed at everything.

Damn, that girl was intelligent. She raised my company's profits in a month. If only I could hire her again. I need profits.

I had already fired seven secretaries in two days. After my hectic day I went home. I couldn't sleep so I went through all the scheduled meetings for tomorrow.

This was her work. She made it look so easy.

At 1 am, I finally went to bed. After an hour, my phone chimed. The caller's name made me angry.

"Ric, you better have a good reason for calling me at 2 in the morning" I spoke.

"Well, sorry to disturb your beauty sleep but I just wanted to tell you that your previous PA is serving me a Mexican soup right now."

Now I was fully awake "Where the hell are you? You are eating out at this hour?"

"I'm not telling you any details, don't wanna ruin my romantic time..."

I didn't let him complete the sentence and tracked his location. He was at one of my favorite restaurants.

I'm coming for you.

I'm hungry. I also want Mexican soup.

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