Chapter 12

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I entered into his office. He was typing on his laptop. He looked pretty angry.

"Do I pay you salary for chatting with my partners?" he quirked his eyebrow.

Gosh his eyes look cuter! What the fuck am I saying?

"No sir" I replied looking at my

"Then is it the habit of orphans?" He smirked.

What? Who told him?

I quickly blinked back my tears "digging up other's past, you sure are a busy body."

"Well that all explains your road side  ill maners."

"I'll get back to work" I responded casually because I didn't want to argue with him anymore.

"Come here."

"Huh???" that voice automatically left my mouth.

He pointed to a paper on his desk "come here and look at this."

I moved over "Sir, that's a restaurant's address. "

"I can see that. I need a burger from here right now" he ordered.

"But sir, it's a little far and it's pouring outside. I..."

"Do you think I am blind? I know about the weather, just go and in 15 minutes it should be here, your time starts now" he looked at me pointedly.

My mouth hung open and I didn't know what to do. I ran for the door.

"And, not a single raindrop on my burger should be there" he smirked.

I'd rather shove that burger up your ass you jerk!

I ran like anything. I made a total clown out of myself everywhere. I was soaked to skin. My white shirt and white bra were having a union. I just folded my arms in front of me to hide their scandalous relationship.

I made it to his office and kept his burger dry.

Thanks to the six extra paper bags I had to fight for.

"Sir, your lunch" I banged my fists on his table.

He just calmly decreased the temperature of AC.

You crackshot!!!

"Why don't you take a seat"
he calmly took the burger, smelled it and threw it in the bin.

My jaw hit the ground. Now I was shivering with cold and he kept smirking at me. I was extremely annoyed.

"You're disgusting!" I got up angrily.

That snapped him out of his staring and he was clearly embarrassed.

"You're done for today, go home" he was clenching his fists.

"I hate you" I spat.

Before I could leave he threw his coat over me "take it, you are not leaving without it."

I pushed his hands away "Fuck off."

That made him angry on a different level, he brought his face dangerously close to mine with so much intensity in his eyes "Say no one more time and you'll regret it. Charlotte loves this job, doesn't she?"

I sagged my shoulders and took his jacket and silently left. I felt myself starting to crumble.

"Oh goodness! Are you ok?" Rhea saw me on my way back. Charlotte was with her. I looked at her with glassy eyes.

"Nora, I don't know about you but I have had enough" I never saw Char this angry.

She bolted towards Zanthus' office.

Oh no! He might tell her the truth in anger. No, no, no!

But before I could do anything, Rhea blocked my way, asking me so many questions about my situation. Within next ten minutes there was a loud crash.

I ran towards Zanthus' office. Charlie was breathing heavily. The paperweight was broken. I felt sick because of my drenched clothes and the scene made it worse.

"You lied to me?" Char looked at me with anger "I don't want your charity, I can fucking earn a job for myself, you bitch!"

"Char, I don't know what he said but you got it wrong please hear me out..."

"Shut the fuck up! You made my life a fucking deal for your job, I thought we were sisters, I hate you" she pushed me angrily and I fell down.

"Char, please hear me out, you are the only family I have, I lov..."

"Shut up" she shouted "Don't you ever cross paths with me again."

With that she walked away. With her back moving away, I felt my world getting doomed. I truly felt weak and helpless for the first time.

I got up and wiped my tears and nose.

"Congrats, you made me cry, you won, you broke me, I never had someone to get attached to and when finally I got one..." I breathed heavily and took support of a nearby chair.

Zanthus came to my side to support me "Dont....don't you dare touch me."

I saw guilt in his eyes, he couldn't match my eyes "I was angry, it just kinda slipped out, I am so..."

"Save it jerk, I quit, you can drag me to the court, I don't care anymore, I don't, I lost everything and I don't care if I lose my life..." he interrupted me.

"please, I can set it right..."
I slapped him.

"Set it right? It's my life, you played it as a joke for a full month, please, please, let me be.. I am done" I moved out of the office. Rhea tried to approach me but I signalled her to stop. She was also crying and she apologized even though it wasn't her fault.

I once again entered the rain and for once I was happy about it. I kept on walking to God knows where.

I'm sorry mom and dad, I broke, I don't have the courage anymore. I just don't.

I entered an alleyway and laid down till the numbness and sadness made me slip into the darkness.

I woke up and my eyes burnt with the lights. With the smell of medicines, I became aware that I was in a hospital room. And for some odd reason, it was full of bouquets.

Did they have my funeral here?

I was about to get up when someone entered my room.

"No, please don't get up, you need to rest well."

What's she doing here?

So say bibliophiles, out with your comments and votes please.

And come on, guess who is 'she' here?

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