Chapter 27

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I entered my office and it looked like a green room for a modelling event.

Damn! I can't even find my spectacles.

"There you are! Look at you why is your skin crying for moisture, we have got our work cut out for us" a middle aged man spoke looking unimpressed.

"Who are you?" I stepped back a bit.

"You don't know me? geez you really are a stranger to the modelling world, I'm Gavy, a professional designer and a permanent stylist for the Met Gala" he stated touching his sleek blonde hair proudly.

"These two are my assistants for today, Hannah and Esther" he pointed at the other two.

After the introductions they started working on my makeover.

"Gavy just don't overdo yourself" I said.

He rolled his eyes "Please you looked like a waiter when you walked in, you are naturally beautiful though so I don't have to overdo anything."

I kept quiet after that.

"Ok, you are ready to change into your dress" Hannah spoke admiring me.

I wonder how is Zanthus not pinging me for office work.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when they showed me the dress I was supposed to wear.

"No, I'm not wearing that" I said.

"I freaking don't want you to dress up as a waitress, this dress is meant for you, you will shine brighter than anyone else" Gavy replied.

"I don't want to, can't we choose? do you have any more options?" I pouted.

"It was specifically designed by keeping the event in mind and you, it may not seem but the fabric will really make you feel comfortable, it won't slip up" Esther spoke calming me a bit.

"But I..."

"Ok, we are already late for the event" Gavy clapped and pushed me inside the bathroom to change.

I talked to myself while changing, basically throwing tantrums like a child.

"Guys I'm coming out."

The dress fit me perfectly.

"That's what we call glamorous, you look perfect" Gavy complimented me but Hannah and Esther gaped at him

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"That's what we call glamorous, you look perfect" Gavy complimented me but Hannah and Esther gaped at him.

"What's wrong guys? I knew it wasn't good, I....."

"It's not that, you look alluring, it's just that Gavy never praises his clients openly, you are the first one" Esther answered me.

I smiled shyly.

"Ok, wear your lens now" Gavy changed the topic.

"I only wear spectacles, wait, where are they?" I started looking at my table.

"Boss gave them to us so that we could get the power of the lens measured for you" Hannah explained calmly.

Zanthus stole them!

"But I'm afraid to poke my eyes, I have never put on lens" I was scared.

"Let me do it for you" Gavy moved towards me but I moved away.

"No please,..."

"It won't hurt, I'll be gentle, stop being a kid" he rolled his eyes.

"Ok, I'll do it myself" I pouted and took it from him.

"I can mimic for you" Esther removed his lens and showed it to me.

I followed him and finally the arduous task was done.

"Phew, I do look good, I'll accept that Gavy" I smiled at him genuinely.

"Whatever, you know you looked like a waitress..." Gavy was interrupted when Zanthus barged in. He was handsomely dressed in what Gavy would call a designer suit.

He looked impressed when he observed me "Good job guys, you can leave."

All of them bid adieu and I looked like a lost child as to what to do next.

"What are you waiting for? We gotta go, follow me, remember we are out there for business, not for leisure, just because you look better than usual doesn't mean you can get distracted" he kept on speaking while I followed him.

This dress is too tight, couldn't he give me a bigger size.

We reached his car. He sat in and closed the door. I gaped at him.

He rolled down his window "What are you doing? Get in."

Here I thought he would open the door for me. Jerk!

Hey Bibliopholes,

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