Chapter 23

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After the embarrassing fiasco, I indulged myself in work. By lunchtime Charlotte knocked at my door.

"Hey sister, let's go for lunch."

She still addressed me as a sister but I felt like we were only friends. I didn't want to break her heart so I let her call me that but after the fall out, I knew I would never feel the same way because she lost my trust.

"Hi, I don't get lunch break remember about my boss?"

"He's the one who sent me here" her words surprised me.

Hitler gave me a lunch break?

I ran to the office window and looked at the sky.

"What are you looking for?" Charlotte asked.

"Just checking if pigs are flying today" I chuckled.

"You are always sassy" Charlotte smiled at me.

We walked to the cafeteria and I bought a sub. Kevin also joined us. I felt like a third wheel because him and Charlie were way too cozy and cringy.

After lunch, I again drowned myself in work. I got ready to work till late like always.

By now everyone must have left.

I was yawning in my chair when hitler barged into my office "Office hours are over, you need to go home."

"But I always...I mean you always make me work overtime so..."

"That's going to change, no overtime, you should go home" he interrupted me.


I started cleaning up my desk and he got the hint that I was leaving. I practically danced happily on my way out of the building.

When I reached outside, Arthur was standing next to the same car in which he dropped me off in the morning. He looked at me and opened the door. I looked behind me confusingly.

"Mr. Arthur, your boss isn't here yet."

"Please call me Arthur and I opened the door for you, I am your designated driver, remember?" he smiled.

"Wait, I thought that was only for the morning, you don't have to be my driver" I replied.

"It's my job that I have been assigned so please let me drop you off, besides you are a lovely company" he spoke politely.

"We hardly talked, you don't have to flatter me, on second thought I need to have a word with someone, I'll be back."

I marched towards Zanthus' office.

"I said you should be home by now, Arthur isn't doing his job right" he seemed so disappointed.

"I don't need a babysitter, why must you trouble others like this? I can travel on my ow..."

He strode towards me, looking lethal "Listen here, I don't want to argue on this matter, you need to be safe, you were almost shot dead if I didn't reach you on time!"

I was angry at the way he shouted "I'm not entertaining this service of yours, it was one time, I can use public transit."

"There is no room for argument in this matter."

"There's plenty of room.."

"Please don't test me."

"You are testing my patience" our chests were almost touching by now.

"Safety of my employees is a part of job contract, want me to drag you into a lawsuit?"

"I don't see Arthur driving other employees around."

"For fuck sake woman they were not attacked!"

"What is it to you? I'm not your liability or charity!"

"It's not charity! I care..."

"And why do you care?"

"Because I..." he didn't complete his sentence. We both were breathing heavily and looking at each other. His eyes were so intently focused on me as if he could read me completely.

He held my hand and dragged me out. I was resisting but to no avail.

"Arthur, open the door!" he boomed.

He literally pushed me inside the car "You can accept this and be civil or I can drag you like this daily."

Just like that the door was closed and Arthur grinned at me after activating the child lock.

They both need a kick where the sun doesn't shine.

Hola Bibliopholes,
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