Chapter 26

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We were both quiet while he was staring at me.

"You are informing me about this today?" he asked in a deadly calm voice.

I was scared "I uh...I just wanted to gather enough proof to make you believe me, you don't really trust me, so..."

"You do realize that you could be sued for this" he said.

"You have been trying to sue me since fore..."

"Do you think I wouldn't know what's happening? I have a private investigator working for me always" he stated.

"Uh huh, so you are like James Bond" I tried deviating the topic.

"You do know that James Bond was an investigator himself, or you don't?" he spoke.

"Is that important regarding the current context? I thought you were clueless after all you..."

He interrupted me "How did you even get your hands on this information?"

"Well, in most of your recent board meetings, I noticed that the management wanted to topple your power so, umm...since you always made me work till late when hardly any employees were around, I snooped around the mainframe computer" I reluctantly admitted.

"You need an id for that so how..."

I rolled my eyes "It's a piece of cake to get id of any employee."

He narrowed his eyes at me "You mean you can hack the systems anytime?"

I understood what he was worried about "I'm an employee myself, as an internal agent I can do it but rest assured that no one else will be able to hack your systems ever, it requires skills and I may have modified new firewalls that cannot be hacked that easily."

"You seem like an expert" he rose an eyebrow.

I shrugged. He sighed and looked through the documents that I had shown him earlier.

"What do you suggest? I hope you are competent enough to find a solution, though I'm already expecting disappointment" he looked at me as if judging me.

So you think I can't solve this? Wait and watch.

"We need a new investor who makes these rats in the board believe that he is on their side, the moment they sell their shares we vote out the mastermind behind this" I stated confidently.

"Finally you learnt something from me" he spoke looking unimpressed.


"Get back to work and make sure no one finds out about this" he ordered.

I rolled my eyes and walked out of his office. I couldn't believe that he was still acting like a jerk.

But my solution was easier said than done.

I mean why would someone willingly invest just to make Zanthus strong in the board.

I was busy in my work when hitler pinged me to come to his room.

"Sir, you.."
"You need to leave right now and get ready for a party in the evening, it'll be an amazing opportunity to look for new investors,  I'll be picking you up at 7:30 sharp" he spoke without even looking at me.

"Why don't you let your friends become investors?" I was curious.

"That's not possible, getting Eric on the board would be troublesome, he really likes to rile me up" he stated.

"Wait a minute, when I said friends, I didn't mean Eric, I..." I gasped acting surprised "You don't have friends!"

I didn't want to let go of any opportunity to make a snide remark at him.

He stopped working and looked at me amusingly "I will have you know that I have friends, Eric is most trustworthy and look who's talking, you don't even have an acquaintance let alone a friend."

Ok it backfired.

"I'm not going to any party with you."

"Stop acting bitter now that you have run out of comebacks" he looked at his watch "the makeover agent that I hired might be already in your office, go get ready. "

"I'm not good at socializing, I wouldn't be able to..."

"You just have to look beautiful to attract attention, flirt a bit and get them on your side" he spoke casually.

I was shocked to hear that "I can't flirt at all and what do you mean look beautiful, I'm beautiful."

"I'll gift you a mirror on your birthday."

I gaped at him. He chuckled at me and gently moved me outside his office "Your sarcasm seems to be rubbing off on me."

I was left out of his office surprised.

Hola Bibliopholes,

A penny for your thoughts and comments.

And yep I updated early for all of you.

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