Chapter 24

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I was doing everything very quickly today. I didn't want Arthur to drive me. I was trying to resist their masculinity in my own way.

I hate to feel indebted to anyone. He gave me a cellphone, a laptop and now a car with a driver. I feel like a gold digger.

I knew that he had already agreed to deduct the cost of phone from my salary but I felt burdened by these materialistic things handed over to me.

I would rather earn these on my own.

The guy was already waiting for me outside.

Why did he come so early? It's just 7am.

I opened my door and he greeted me "Good morning Miss, it's a nice day."

I rolled my eyes "It's Nora, and did you sleep outside my house?"

"You stop calling me Mr.Arthur and I'll stop saying Miss" he winked.

I handed him a cup of coffee with a croissant sandwich "Fine, but it's too early and I am not going to invite you in. "

He gratefully grabbed the breakfast "Doesn't matter, I'm not allowed to even enter your house, thanks for the breakfast, take your time Nora."

I walked back into my building to finish my household chores before leaving.

By evening I won't have energy to do this.

After couple of minutes, we drove off to our destination. On the way I saw a man standing by his car feeling sad. His car spotted a flat tyre.

"We should help that guy, he looks like he needs it" I said.

"Not our problem" Arthur shrugged.

"Please we should be kind, please Arthur" I spoke.

That seemed to have done the trick as he hesitantly stopped by the man. I smiled at him.

He went out and spoke to the man. He seemed to be in late thirties. He saw me and I got a creepy vibe from him and it only got stronger when he sat in the back with me even though Arthur opened the passenger door.

It was when he took out a gun and pointed at my head that I became dreadful "Sit inside and drive as I tell you or this girl gets it. "

Oh no!

Arthur looked petrified seeing the situation. He started driving and his eye contact from rear view mirror told me that he wanted to try everything to get me out of this but I knew he was clueless. I just nodded at him.

"No funny business, take left" the creepy guy barked.

When Arthur took a sharp turn, I deliberately jumped onto the man's lap shouting "how the fuck are you driving so roughly!"

"Get off me bitch" the man pushed me and pointed the gun at me again.

During this chaos I had already unlocked his door, now I just needed to give him a hard push before he noticed the door.

"Ouch! there is something on my inner thigh, it's creepy" I tilted myself raising both my legs up.

"What the fuck are you..."

"Ouch! there's something in my skirt" in all this chaos I kicked his chest full force with my legs and he fell out of the car, thanks to Arthur swerving the car fast.

Arthur raced away from the scene and I collapsed on the backseat.

Hey Bibliopholes,
Late update I know but I hope this chapter was worth it because now the story only gets better.

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