Chapter 13

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"Oh thank goodness you are finally awake, I thought I had to leave without meeting you."

She was the same old woman whom I helped call a cab but had to run off because I spotted Zanthus.

"If you brought me here, I am grateful and really sor..."

"Oh cut it dear, what were you doing lying on the sidewalk like that and thank God I noticed you before some mugger did. But..."

Before she could go on scolding me I got up ready to leave but she glared at me.

"You should rest, where are you going?" she asked me.

"I'm really thankful to you but I really have to go, uhh..."

"Lina, you can call me grandma Lina" she completed my sentence.

"Can I ask you a favor, you should meet my grandson, he's divorced but you both..."

Seriously?? So that's why she helped me.

"I'm already engaged and pregnant, so I gotta go" I cut her off and practically ran away. I could hear her asking me to stop but I wanted to leave.

I just didn't want to be caught by anyone from my acquaintances. I already decided to start my life again from a blank page. I knew at this time Charlotte would be busy at her office so I made my way towards her apartment.

I hope my spare key still works.

And it worked. I collected my documents since I'll be needing them to apply for a new job.

No wait. If I apply for another corporate job, I maybe tracked by someone. OK, decided I'll apply for something else.

I took my documents and my credit card but before leaving I wrote a letter for Charlotte.

Dear sister,

I hope you don't get angry when I call you that. I don't know what Zanthus told you but I only got an opportunity for your interview. You got selected on your own. I was going to tell you that also but...

Anyways, I hope you forgive and forget me. Trust me I'll make sure I'll never disturb you again.

PS don't need to change your locks, I'm leaving the spare key too.

Just know you are loved.


I hurriedly left her apartment before anyone could see me. I didn't look for an apartment to stay.

I'll just be a waitress during night shift and during day I can roam freely so police won't question me. I'll only rent a house when it becomes absolutely necessary. I'm going to save money and buy the best house for myself.

I went to one of the porsche restaurant and changed from my clothes into Charlotte's.

Forgive me for stealing these but I left the money for it.

I tried to look sexy. I used the tips she gave me to look hot. Once I was satisfied, I went to the manager and tried flirting with him.

This is so hard. I feel disgusted.

He was already looking at me skeptically.

"Hey handsome, I was wondering if I could work as a waitress here for a night shift?" I wiggled my eyebrows.

"Looks like you desperately need a job, otherwise why would you flirt with an aged person like me, kid."

Ok, I was embarrassed so much. I sighed and turned around to leave. He laughed and that made me raise an eyebrow at him.

"Dear, we are already short on night staff, you could've got the job without even trying" he smiled at me.

I facepalmed myself "I'm sorry, I just wanted to be hired so."

"It's okay, you can start from tonight and my name is Jacob Cale" he answered politely.

"My name is Nora, thank you so much Mr. Cale" I replied.

After discussing other things I left the restaurant to kill my time till my night shift.

Homeless check.
Job check.
Big dreams check.

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