Chapter 28

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"Why are you sitting so stifly" he eyed me sideways.

Try wearing a skintight dress to impress.

"I like this pose" I feigned.

"Whatever, you look like you are sitting on thorns instead of exquisite leather" he spoke.

"Should I kiss the leather for healing it's bruised ego" I replied.

"Keep your sarcasm at bay in the party" he chided.

I ignored him. The moment we reached the venue, he had his typical celebrity moment. As usual he forgot to escort me and when I tried entering the event, I was stopped.

"Please show your invitation Ma'am" the guard looked at me skeptically.

"I'm here with Zanthus, he stole my invitation card, he loved the design you see" I smiled. I wasn't in a hurry to join him so I didn't care.

I might as well entertain myself.

"Sir would never steal such a pathetic thing" he glared at me.

"So your sir would steal if it wasn't something pathetic" I replied.

He held my forearm and was about to drag me away.

"Hands off, she's my partner" Zanthus slapped his hand away. The buff guy looked scared.

"I'm so sorry Sir, I didn't know, I'm sorry Miss" he kept on repeating.

Before I could enjoy it, Zanthus pulled me inside.

"You were supposed to follow me inside" he told me.

"Oh my bad, I'm not wearing sweatpants but a dress, I couldn't run the way you do" I snapped at him.

He didn't respond but he slowed down to match my pace and placed his hand on my back.

"Don't touch me" I moved away but he held me in place.

"Oh my, anti social trying to socialize here" Eric grinned at us.

"Ric don't cause trouble here" Zanthus rolled his eyes at him.

"Wow, you look gorgeous, let me guess, Gavy did it?" he asked me.

"Damn I thought I was invisible" I spoke.

"As polite as ever, lovely lady, care for a dance?" he extended his hand.

"No I don't care" I just didn't want to move around too much with this dress.

"Come on, I don't mind you stepping on my shoes remember?" he pouted.

"How about mine?" Zanthus stepped on his shoe.

"Ouch! you are so annoying" he stepped back on his shoe.

Such kids.

I moved away to observe the people because I knew I had to find an investor. Everyone looked vain.

"Where are you wandering!" Zanthus pulled me with him.

Next half hour went around talking to all the tycoons.

"Zanthus, you got a lovely company here" an old man approached us.

"Mr.Stone" Zanthus merely nodded at him. The way he checked me out disgusted me.

Zanthus pulled me away "His name suits him, he's an idiot and he seems really interested in you. He owns the lucrative timber industry, an easy target to be duped as an investor."

"He's so disgusting" I shrugged.

"Don't worry, just play safe and work" he went ahead to socialize with others.

Damn it, I don't want to do it.

Before I could try something, I was turned around by someone.

"It really is you, nice to meet you Nora."

Oh no!


Hola Bibliophiles,

Yes you gotta guess who's this person.

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