Chapter 29

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"Fancy meeting you here, how are you?" the woman questioned me.

She was the same old lady who saved my life while I soaked myself in rain on the sidewalk.


"You forgot my name, I'm hurt, it's grandma Nina" she smiled.

"I'm sorry, nice to meet you again, I am here as the secretary of Mr.Reigns" I replied politely.

"You mean Zanthus?" she looked shocked.

I nodded.

"That's great, he never showed up to such a gathering in past, looks like you are doing a good job."

"Well I try" I replied.

"Oh, my grandson is also here, you should meet him" she started looking around.

"I think I'll meet him some other... "

"There he is,..."

I don't want to meet anyone.

Just then my phone started ringing and I was thankful.

"Sorry grandma Nina, I need to take this call, I'll be back" I quickly moved away from her. It was a wrong number but the timing was right.

Where is Zanthus!

I started looking for him. I wasn't looking where I was going and ended up bumping into someone.

"Oh I'm so..."
"So you really want my attention, I have that effect on women."

Why did I bump into him. Eww.

"Mr.Stone, you are delusional, it was a mistake" I quickly moved away from that lewd man.

"There you are!" Grandma Nina caught onto me.

"I had a call to take..."

"Sebastian!" she ignored me and called out.

I looked around and saw a handsome man walking towards us. He had an eyebrow piercing which only made him more appealing.

Damn! Zanthus got competition.

"Nora meet my grandson, Sebastian, Seb this is the girl I was talking about" Nina spoke excitedly. I could practically see her playing the match maker.

"Hello Miss Nora, finally I got to meet you" he extended a hand politely.

But before I could shake it, someone else shook hands with him "Hi Sebastian, she's my secretary."

I glared at Zanthus.

I can fucking introduce myself, jerk.

"Zanthus! What a surprise man, I never expected you to show up here" they both seem to be familiar with each other.

"Look at you! you missed my kitty party and show up here" Grandma Nina smacked his arm.

I looked at all of them confusingly.

"Sebastian and I studied in the same college, that's how I know them" Zanthus spoke removing my confusion.

"Oh I see" I smiled at them.

"Zanthus why are you overworking your secretary? Her husband wouldn't like it" Grandma Nina spoke.

Oh no, she believed my lies.


"You are married?"

Zanthus and Sebastian spoke at the same time. I looked at grandma Nina wide eyed.

"Oh my! you don't know anything about your employees, always drowning yourself in work, the girl needs a break, she's carrying another life inside her" Grandma Nina spoke looking adoringly at me.

Why the fuck are you so gullible oldie!

"You are pregnant?"

Both Sebastian and Zanthus spoke together again and Zanthus looked ready to murder someone.

Damn! here's to another mess.

Hola Bibliophiles,

Long time no see right?

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