Chapter 15

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It was already early morning and I was dying to sleep.

I guess I should rent a room. Oh I so want to have a cozy home.

I was dozing off but just then, in walked a person who drove away all my sleep.

Eric Greyson? At this hour? Are rich people stupid?

His wide eyes showed surprise but his expression changed into a smirk soon.

"Good early morning, what a surprise!" he chimed.

Nora, he's a customer, remember.

"Sir, please let me know your order and you can sit at any table you like" I tried to remain nonchalant.

"Come on, you are acting like you don't know me? Bring me Mexican soup and I would like you to accompany me" he smirked again.

I fake smiled and turned around to check on his order.

Damn, do I have to leave this job also? why!!ok, relax, just a few minutes and then I'll be alone again.

I took the soup and served it to Eric.

"Hmm, early morning cravings you know, why don't you just sit with me?" he smiled at me.

Be polite. No killing tonight.

"Sorry sir, that's against our rules, I hope you enjoy your food and you can leave the bill on your table, goodnight" I tried to run away.

"Come on, I thought we were friends" he said dramatically.

"Acquaintances we were, and it's better if we remain strangers now. Please enjoy your soup while it's hot" I turned around and took a deep breath.

Phew, that's over.

"Found you."

What the.....

I turned around to see Zanthus standing at the door in sweats. He was staring at me and walked towards me confidently.

Shit, spoke too soon. Oh no!

"What are you doing here? What more could you want now?" I folded my arms.

"You can't just vanish from your workplace" he said calmly which irked me more.

"Are you crazy? I quit, I resigned, remember?"

"Slurrrrrppppp" that was Eric enjoying his soup.

Me and Zanthus glared at him.

"What? I'm just an innocent audience" he raised his hands.

"You didn't sign the resignation papers, I like to keep everything official to avoid any illegal claims" he stated.

"Are you nuts?"

"Ouch, I bet that's a pair of nuts" Eric muttered.

"I don't want your job, I would never file a case for that torture" I was practically raging.

"Sluurrrppp" Eric continued with his background music.

"I don't care, I don't trust, you need to come to my office" he was ordering me.

"I don't belong to you and at this hour? you want to go to office?" I questioned.

"I would prefer bed at this time and a lullaby" Eric chimed.

"Shut up!"
"Shut up!" me and Zanthus said at the same time.

"Oh, you both get along well" Eric started slurping his soup again.

"You can do whatever you want after resigning, just come to my office, the sooner you agree, the better it is" he offered me his hand.

I sighed "you called him here right? you informed him that I was here?" I questioned Eric.

He got up "hey! I just wanted to tell my friend about my cravings. Thanks for the soup and you are a lovely company, Miss Nora" he bowed jokingly.

OK, you are done for.

I moved towards him and Zanthus stepped away.

Nice move.

I kneed Eric in his balls. He doubled over in pain.

"What the heck?" he was groaning.
"It'll help your digestion" I replied.

Zanthus was smiling at the whole scene. I glared at him.

"I'm on my night shift, I can't leave..." he cut me off "Tresdon Escobar, the owner of this place is my friend, I have informed him already, so shall we?"

Geez, these people.

We made way towards his car. I was so exhausted that I couldn't argue anymore.

I just want to sleep. This is going to be a long early morning.


Me: I wonder if people will like this book of mine.

My readers: sending me praises and love in private messages and asking for updates daily.

Thanks for showing me so much love and I love your messages, keep texting.


Hey Bibliophiles, who likes Eric?

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