Chapter 18

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"What are you doing down on the floor?" he asked looking amused.

"I...uh...Oh! I was looking for your common sense under the couch" I replied sarcastically.

He looked at me questioningly.

"You see I was looking for your standards and they are way too low, under the couch you see."

"Ever the same tone" he shook his head disapprovingly "As you want to settle this in cou..."

"I'll sign the contract" I spoke even though I didn't want to, but my kindness got the better of me. This guy practically doesn't even know the threat roaming around him.

He looked surprised at my sudden consensus but didn't say anything. I moved towards his table and signed the papers quickly. He was looking at me all the time. I just shrugged.

I was about to leave when my phone pinged. I was so shocked to see that a huge amount of money was transferred into my account from Reigns' enterprises.

"What's this for?" I turned around asking him.

He kept his eyes on his laptop "That's your monthly salary, I was supposed to pay you before you left because of...well, it's just your earnings."

"Ok, but I'll start the job tomorrow. There are a few things I need to take care of, I need to prepare myself to work with you again" I stated confidently.

"Fair enough" he replied while getting back to his work.

The moment I stepped out, I ran to a thrift store to buy something called a formal dress.

I can use the same shirt but I do need a few more clothes. I can't spend lavishly yet.

By evening, I was roaming around the streets with my home in my backpack. My clothes, toothbrush and everything was in my bag.

I had an apartment in my mind which I wanted to buy. With the salary, I could make the down payment but I couldn't completely buy it yet. I went and met the dealer. I was so happy when he handed me the keys.

"Congratulations Miss, this apartment in the building is rightfully yours now, you can start shifting" the dealer spoke.

If only he knew that I already have my entire stuff in my bag.

"Thank you so much, if I face any problems, I can call you right?" I asked.

"Sure, we would be happy to serve you anytime but this is a porsche abode, you won't face any problems" he smiled and left.

After gushing happily inside my new home, I made way towards the restaurant for my night shift.

I can't believe I have a home, my own kitchen too. Thank you God.

When I reached the restaurant for my shift, Cale was surprised to see me.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I'm here for my job, remember?" I replied.

"But our owner told us that we can't have you work here, we were told you are an important person" he spoke.

"I know where this is coming from, you know it would be so rude on my part to conveniently leave you now that I have a better job. You hired me when I needed it the most" I spoke.

"You really are a nice person, don't worry kiddo, you are always welcome here and I don't mind you leaving the job" he smiled sincerely.

"I can visit you anytime, right Mr.Cale?" I asked.

"Of course kid, anytime, I'm not holding any grudges against you" he smiled.

I was relieved to hear that and happily left after saying bye to the entire staff who worked with me.

Let's get ready for my new and better life.

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