Chapter 25

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"Are you ok? Drink this" Arthur handed me a bottle of water.

He had parked us just outside the office building. I was thankful for the water, I drank it completely.

"Thank you, also for saving me" I sighed in relief.

He turned around "I should praise you for your quick witted response but it's your fault. I told you we shouldn't help the guy but you had to be stubborn, it's all your fault, we..."

"Ok, I get it! Just don't tell anything to..." my words were cut short when the car's door was ripped open. I almost screamed again thinking about another mugger.

It was Zanthus and he looked livid. Before I could scold Arthur for telling him everything, I was pulled out.

"How many times have I told you not to be reckless! You had to just come to office, why did you detour?" he shouted at me on the sidewalk and people turned into audience.

"Why are you shouting! I just wanted to help someone, I didn't..."

"You don't have to help everyone" he walked around me checking for any injuries.

"Hey you are..." out of nowhere he hugged me.

"Why must you always do this? You could have been hurt again" he spoke softly in my hair.

Ok, so he's just concerned about me. I almost slapped you for shouting at me publicly. I forgive you.

He pulled back when Arthur cleared his throat.

"Arthur, you had just one job!" he scolded him.

"I'm sorry boss but she could be very stubborn" he replied.

"I'm right here" I rolled my eyes at him "and when did you even tell him everything?"

"The car has an SOS button, it broadcasts a message to Boss and he knew something was wrong. I told him the rest when I got off to buy water bottle for you" he answered.

"Wow, does that mean..."

"Yes, the mugger is under our custody, my men are questioning him right now" Zanthus spoke.

"That's fast, what are you, FBI?" I jested.

"This is not the time for your sarcasm, you are to be blamed for being childish..."


"No more arguments, get back to your work, you are already late" he turned around and started walking as if nothing happened.

"Wait I also want to know why he attacked me" I chased after him.

"You stay away from this matter and also stay away from trouble" he kept walking.

No matter how much I complained, he didn't heed to it. Instead he kept me on my toes by overworking me as to punish me.

You are the one who is childish!

I almost sneaked out during lunchtime to peg Arthur about the enquiry.

"If you think you will succeed in getting information from anyone else, you are mistaken" I turned around and saw Zanthus standing in the corridor.

"I wasn't going to...leave that, don't you think I should know why it happened after all it's related to me" I asked again.

"You are not going to concentrate on your work, listen he was just out for some money, he thought you were a rich bimbo he could kidnap and get ransom" he stated seriously.


"You want some drama in this too?" he rose an eyebrow.

"Alright I'll get back to my work" I walked towards my office.

Why do I feel he is lying?

Hola Bibliopholes,

another spicy update for you,

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