Chapter 30

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I was speechless as to what to reply to these guys.

"You wouldn't know as she hasn't started showing the baby bump yet but she sure is glowing" grandma Nina kept on gushing.


"Grandma Nina, can I talk to you for a second, alone?" I asked.

"Sure darling, let me give you some tips too" she took me towards a secluded table. She made me sit with a jerk and I felt my dress tear from back.


She took a seat across me waiting for me to continue.

Ok let's not tell her, she'll be too loud. Be calm Nora, be calm.

"Grandma I have to confess something, I'm sorry I lied to you, I'm not married and..."

"You are not pregnant I know" she smiled at me.

I was bemused "then why did you..."

"Oh I shot three birds with one stone" she winked at me.

"I don't understand but I just didn't want to hook up with someone so I lied, I'm sorry" I replied.

"It's ok, even I lied that my son was widowed, he's actually looking for a girl" she grinned.

She's like a teenager.

I chuckled at her response. Soon Zanthus and Sebastian joined us. After some time Sebastian left with his grandma but not before kissing my hand like a gentleman. It made me blush and Zanthus looked away.

Later when I was eating my snacks Mr.Stone approached me and Zanthus.

"Mr.Williams, I would like to dance with your secretary" he smiled sadistically.

Before I could reply, Zanthus spoke "Mr.Stone I know she's like a daughter to you but you don't have to be so humble, we are leaving and you don't have to interact with any of us anymore."

Mr.Stone glared at us but one look from Zanthus made him scurry off.

I thought he would force me to dance because of investments.

"How did you know that my dress was torn?" I asked.

"What!" he looked baffled.

"You turned him down because you knew my dress was torn from the back right?" I questioned.

"I rejected him because he's lewd, I wouldn't compromise your safety tore your dress?"

"It's too tight!" I exclaimed.

He removed his coat and draped over my shoulders "maybe because of your pregnancy you gained the weight, I'm waiting in the car, let's go."

He didn't need to say but he was angry I knew. I walked slowly outside. During the ride back, he didn't utter a single word. The atmosphere was tense and awkward between us.

"Stop the car" I said but he didn't respond.
I repeated thrice but he ignored me. I forced myself to take control and we came to an abrupt halt. We were already near my apartment.

Thank goodness the road is secluded.

"What the hell is wrong with you! Can't control your pregnancy hormones?" he snapped.

"What's your problem? Why are you acting like a jerk towards me?" I shouted back.

"Your fucking husband is the problem! were you even planning to tell me?" he seethed.

I rolled my eyes "Why would I tell you..."

"Of course you wanted to flirt..."

"When I'm not pregnant and I don't have a husband" I shrieked and that shut him up.

"Wait grandma Nina..."

"Oh fuck off!" I got out and walked towards my apartment angrily ignoring his pleas. I made sure to threw his coat away in the street for my dramatic exit.

I hate socializing.


Hola Bibliophiles,
I know it's a late update, I was a bit busy.
I hope you enjoyed,
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