Chapter 22

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I was going to show some documents to Zanthus when I saw Aidan moving towards his office.

Ok there's going to be some tea and I'm here for it. They are anyway not gonna tell me anything.

I quietly moved towards his office and pressed my ear to his door.

This is not working.

I knocked on his door and went in "Sir these documents needed to be signed."

"Leave them on my table" he stated clearly not interested.

I went back and just before the office door completely closed, I quickly acted as if I dropped something and struck a pen so that it remained opened minutely.

"Did you find anything?" I recognized Zanthus' voice.

"Sir we were ambushed, while we were taking the attacker with us, few men opened fire at us but they were mostly focused on the attacker, he was killed" Aidan replied.

I was shocked after hearing that.

"They didn't want him to reveal any information in investigation. Someone else is involved" Zanthus spoke.

"We didn't know we were being watched, it's all a planned attack."

"Get back to work" Zanthus dismissed him.

I hurriedly moved towards my office. Hardly had I sat on my chair, when Zanthus pinged me. I walked to his room acting nonchalant. He was sitting in his chair looking serious.

"Have a seat."

"I already have one in my office, Sir" I replied keeping a straight face.

"Why must you always reply sarcastically?" he asked.

"I guess my mother tongue didn't impress you" I gasped dramatically.

He got up and walked towards me "Did you forget your pen by the door?"

He extended my pen towards me and I almost accepted eavesdropping.

"It maybe someone else's" I tried deviating the topic.

"So we should do a fingerprint test" he replied.

"That would be a waste of resources and time" I stepped back.

He stepped forward "Aren't you an efficient employee? Admittance can save the resources."

"Are you doubting my innocent soul?" I feigned innocence.

He touched my cheek gently with the back of his hand "I don't know about innocence but this soul sure is beautiful too."

Did he just praise me?

"Thank you for your fingerprints" he brought me out of my trance and then only I realized that he had taken my fingerprints on a paper. I quickly tried to snatch it but he moved it out of my reach.

You played me.

I jumped again but I tumbled into him. He started falling down and before I could move away, he wrapped his arm around my waist and brought me down with him.

"Ouch! you made me fall" I complained.

"You started this, I know you eavesdropped" he smirked looking into my eyes.

"Whatever" I started getting up.
"Wa..." he groaned.

I quickly looked at him "What's wrong? Are you ok?"

"Your knee, please" he spoke painfully.

I looked at my knee and it was crushing his balls. I got up at a lightning speed.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry, should I call a doctor? Are your cherries squished? Let me call..." before I could move out he held my wrist to stop me.

He looked fine now "I'm fine, you don't need to call anyone."

I nodded blushing profusely and moved to the door. Before I walked out he called "And for the record, they are certainly not cherries."

I moved out quickly.

This is so embarrassing.

Hola Bibliopholes!!!

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