Chapter 32

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"Let me go!"

He only tightened his grip on me "Stop this, you have been running away for long."

I huffed and stepped away from him. Arthur came running towards us "Your stamina is next level."

Of course I had run laps on sidewalk.

"Arthur give me the keys, I'll drive, you can leave" Zanthus ordered him.

"Please let me know if you need something boss" Arthur handed him the keys and quickly left.

Zanthus signalled me to follow him.

"Wait, why are you going inside the building? Aren't you gonna drive us somewhere?" I asked while keeping up with him.

He reached my apartment.

"No, no, no, you are not going inside my house, no way" I folded my arms.

"We need to talk and I can't hold back longer before you answer my questions, we can do it in the lobby if you like" he seethed.

I unlocked the door and we entered. He went around checking my apartment like an inquisitive person. I paid him no attention.

Thank goodness I love to keep my home clean.

"Ok, what is it?" I glared at him because he was just goofing around.

"You tell me, you blocked me, you run away when I try to talk, you..."

"...can't enter my personal life, I'm your secretary, keep it professional" I retorted.

We glared at each other. I challenged him to continue.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to apologize but you threw me out of your reach so easily, you should have at least given me a chance to apologize" he shrugged.

"I forgive you, now leave, you are in my personal space again."

I stepped aside to move out but he pulled me back and cornered me to a wall.

"What are you..."

The intensity of his expression shut me up. He seemed to be fighting himself.

"So fucking tempting!" he groaned and quickly moved out.

What the hell was that?

I closed the door but the bell rang.

Not again!

"I'm done with your tant......"

"Sorry, I just saw you entering this room and I wanted to formally introduce myself, now that I have stopped crying" she was the teenager I helped.

"Ok but I'm not inviting you in" I replied.

"Oh that's a bummer, anyways my name Phoebe but not buffay" she tried to sound funny.

I rolled my eyes "I'm Nora and now you can go and focus on your studies."

"Nice name, well see you around neighbor" she grinned.

I smiled at her. I went ahead to change into my nightsuit when I saw a small box on my bed. I checked it only to be shocked to see my mother's watch inside it.

But the Pawn shop owner told me he already sold it. How did Zanthus get it? I'm so happy.

The night passed in my overthinking about Zanthus' behavior.

I sluggishly got ready the next day and barely reached on time. Zanthus did not comment on anything. His behavior remained strictly professional. The staff was relieved to see me back because they felt now they won't have to feel his wrath.

It was lunchtime now.

He should be receiving the call by now.

I was chatting with Leila and Charlotte when Zanthus pinged me to his room.

"He really doesn't let you eat lunch" Char spoke.

"I'm thinking everyone is going to be in a cheery mood" I winked at them and left.

The moment I stepped inside his cabin, he lifted me up and spun me around "You really got that deal for us? I could kiss you right now."

"Fine if you are happy but no smooching" I spoke.

He quietly put me down and it was all awkward again.

"Well, if you are that happy, at least today you can greet back your employees" I broke the ice.

He smiled at me and nodded. By evening the entire staff thanked me for making everyone happy. They didn't know about the defense deal I got for their boss because it was top secret before everything went official.

He let me leave early with Charlotte and Leila which meant James didn't have to drive me today.

The right deal can turn this man into an angel.

Hola Bibliopholes,

Things are going to get better, crispy and joyous. Zanthus is happy, staff is happy, so you all also be happy, because your favorite author is back.

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