Chapter 2

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I just came back from my college. My exam went well and I was feeling lazy.

I went to the cafe for my job only to have the revelation that I lost the job.

"But why Mr.Finns?" I asked him.

"I don't know, it's some crazy guy who bought all of this neighbouring area" he sadly replied.

Can't anything good happen? Wait! Oh no it couldn't be..

I rushed to the Motel and Mr.Ruckus also said the same thing.

Great! Now I'm homeless. I have no money. I just sold my precious watch.
What could be worse than this?

I was roaming around the streets in search of a new job. Nearly everyone rejected me.

See! This is worse.

For one last try I entered a small restaurant. The business seemed to be booming there. I reached the counter to be greeted by a girl named Charlotte.

"How may I help you?" she asked with a fake smile.

"I want to meet the manager, I am here for a job" I spoke.

She signalled me to follow her. She left me in front of a door. I tied my hair in a bun and removed my hoodie but of course my shirt was so worn out, I wore it again.

I went in and saw a rotund old man counting money like anything. He looked at me suspiciously.

"Hello sir, I...uh...wanted a part time job here" I said politely.

He looks so disgusting. I want to punch him for some reason.

He checked me out from head to toe "Ok, you will be the waitress.. " I interrupted him.

"Cashier, I will be the cashier, I am really good at managing accounts and I will make sure the profit increases" I said confidently.

"Fine but you might have seen we have a dress code, change into it and you can start right away, Miss.. "

"Nora" I completed his sentence.

"Fine, you can call me Hebrew" he said.

Oh so you brew?

I ignored my lame joke.

"Thank you Mr.Hebrew" I replied and left.

I didn't like that guy for some reason. I asked Charlotte about the changing room. She was shocked to see me when I was dressed in that pink shirt and black skirt, maid dress.

"Oh gosh! I thought you were a boy" she squeezed me in a bone crushing hug "Finally I have a cute girl as my partner."

"Thank you Charlotte, I'm Nora, nice to meet you too" I smiled.

We worked there. It was really difficult to manage cash though, after all it was my first time. But I survived. Char told me to be polite to everyone and to always smile. That was a great help but some customers really deserved profanities.

When our shift was over, I hesitantly asked Char what I had been waiting to ask her for longtime.

"Char, I have exams going on and my budget isn't quite well, ah...Can I stay with you for sometime, I'll leave as soon as I get a new place at rent, please" I didn't realize, I was shivering.

"No" she said.

I turned around and mentally facepalmed myself for telling her my condition. She was laughing like anything.

"Nora, I am kidding, you can stay with me, maybe you can turn my apartment into a house" she smiled.

I hugged her "Thank you Char, I'll repay you when time comes."

"Yeah you can pay me back by buying me nutella when I am PMsing" she giggled.

I laughed. We reached her home. It was a nice place but not well kept. There were heaps of clothes, utensils were everywhere, bed was hardly visible and so on.

"Wow" that's all I could say.
"Nora, I am going to bathe first, you make yourself at home and don't worry my place isn't that bad" she said.

I just smiled faintly. The moment she left, I removed my hoodie, tied my hair and started cleaning everything. First, I separated clean clothes from stinky ones.

Man! they stink really bad.

Finally the bed and couch were clean. Then I cleaned the kitchen.

Thank goodness, Charlotte takes long time to shower.

I wiped the dust out. Now my body was tired.

"Wow, it's... So wow! Did you teleport us?" Char exclaimed as she came out of the shower.

I just winked at her. She moved towards me to hug me. I stopped her.

"Let me shower first, Can you give me something to wear?" I asked.
"You wanna dress like a boy or a girl?" she chuckled.
"Please Char."

She gave me a beautiful off shoulder top and jeans. She insisted me to wear skirt but I was too shy to try that on.

We talked a lot later on. She told me she wanted to be a professional photographer. When she talked about her passion, her eyes sparkled. We ate cup noodles since we were both tired.

She was fast asleep and I kept studying. Tomorrow would be my last exam and I would be free.

I already was waiting for result. I just looked at sleeping form of Char and smiled.

Thanks God, for giving me such a nice friend and here I was thinking I had to sleep on sidewalk. Thanks Mom and Dad, I know you are watching me.

After studying satisfactorily, I slept. Ofcourse, I had put six alarms in my phone since I didn't want to be late.

Sweet dreams Nora.

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