Chapter 33

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There was a bounce in my step today because I knew Zanthus would still be in a good mood. I was even thinking of treating him to a meal since he gifted me my parent's watch back.

If I'm this happy, I wonder how much happy the staff would be.

"Hey Ka..."

"Thank goodness you are here, Nora he's seething with rage, I don't know what happened, girl you should always be around him, he's got worst mood swings..."

what the fuck happened!

"Calm down Kate, he'll be fine" I quickly made my way towards his office.

"Nora, finally!" Leila sighed in relief when she saw me.

"I got this" I wasn't sure if I really could handle another tantrum.

Ok let's face it.

I knocked and entered his office. The temperature just dropped.

"What happened to you?" I spoke softly.

"You don't know? the project details are leaked even before we signed it, were you helping someone else" he threw the newspaper at me.


"Bro just heard the news, how did it happen, I was so...hey, it's you!" Zanthus' brother just barged in and started speaking.

"Philip you know her?" Zanthus asked.

"No I don't know this person" I quickly retorted.

"Oh you don't remember?" so called Philip said.

Is he going to reveal that he met me at Zanthus' place?

"We ran into each other at the press house other day, remember?...Oops I shouldn't have said that in front of him, right?" he said acting innocent.

Oh no, he really is playing that card.

Zanthus folded his arms and tilted his head expecting answers from me.

"I should leave you guys alone" Philip spoke and he bloody winked at me.

That wicked jerk.

"You are really not believing him over me, are you?" I asked.

"And why shouldn't I? Only we both knew about the deal and he saw you at the press lounge" he seethed.

"He's lying, why the heck would I go through so much trouble to get you the deal only for you to lose it!"

"Maybe to take revenge, you have hated me since day one and I gave you enough reasons to plot against me" he shouted.

"I would never stoop so low and why don't you ask what was your brother doing at the press house?"

"Great, now you want me to spy on my brother, he maybe a jerk but he's still family" he retorted.

Oh no you didn't.

"Of course, blood is thicker, you know what I don't care about you anymore, I'm resigning..."

"I was going to fire you and stop being delusional, you never cared about me."

"Why you...just remember asshole, when you know the truth, don't fucking expect me to forgive you, go play family" I lifted up the glass paperweight and threw it at the wall just the way he did before.

"Get lost rat" he shouted.

"Fuck off bastard."

I quickly marched out and the employees who were eavesdropping, scattered away.

Why can't they mind their own business.

I ignored Leila, Kate and Charlotte because I knew they just wanted gossip.

Oh damn why am I crying!

Zanthus really insulted my loyalty towards him.

Who would value family better than an orphan.

And that's a wrap for now, so Bibliophiles, who's sad for our kind Nora?

What will happen next ?

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