Chapter 21

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By morning I was completely calm. Maria brought me food and I was given a new designer formal suit.

I don't want to accept it but this is so classy.

"Mr.Reigns did not want you to go back to your home and dress up. He sent this" Maria spoke.

"Thanks, I hope I'm not troubling you with too much work" I spoke.

She looked shocked at my reply but then she smiled "it's my job and you are not rude like his other guests."

I smiled and she left. After getting ready, I was informed that a driver was waiting for me to drop me at the office. I bid the staff goodbye and they were all surprised by my politeness.

"Good morning Miss, I'm Arthur your assigned driver" a handsome man stood next to a sleek black jaguar.

Woah, this is getting out of hand.

I greeted him "Good morning Mr.Arthur, you can call me Nora."

He nodded and opened the door for me. I hesitantly sat inside the car.

When I reached the office, Leila greeted me "Nora you look amazing, damn girl, I forgot to thank you for accepting this job again, Boss was firing new secretaries like used tissues."

That piece of information stopped me in my tracks "What?"

"Boss's temper rose the moment you left, he would keep on snapping at everyone, no one lasted, the shortest time was two hours by a guy" she gossiped.

I didn't know what to say "Ok, I hope I'm not late, I am in no mood for his temper."

"No you are on time, he's a bit early today" she smiled.

I nodded and started walking towards my office when Leila shouted "If you get time for lunch, I would like you to join me."

I raised my hand without turning back because I knew he will never give me time for lunch. When I entered, something on the table attracted my attention.

A brand new smartphone was kept on my table.

Oh no.

I quickly took it and went to Zanthus' office. He rose an eyebrow at my barging in.

"I don't know where it came from, I haven't stolen this phone, I just got here, I'm not a thief, I..."

"I kept it there, it's your phone" he said calmly.

Thank goodness, I'm not labelled as a thief. Wait!

"What do you...I already have a phone, I don't ne..."

He quickly marched towards me "that shit of a device you have, died while you called, it doesn't even have a mere GPS, you could have..." he rubbed his hands on his face.

He was frustrated and it showed in the way his tie was loose and he wasn't wearing a coat over his shirt. His sleeves were folded till his elbows.

"Fine but I am not taking this for free, please cut it from my salary" I stated.

"I already have" he spoke.

I gaped at him and he smirked at my expression.

At least he's feeling better now.

"Get back to work" he bloody winked at me.

Damn! Why is he so handsome.

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