Chapter 36

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We had been all over the predictable places where Zanthus could be but it was all in vain. I went as far as reaching all the media houses to act as a spy to find me his current location.

Currently, we were parked outside his penthouse.

Ok, whatever.

"Eric if you were a thug where would you lure your target?" I asked.

"Let me think...uhhh...where there are no people? somewhere deserted... "
"No cops..."

"No neighbors..." he spoke excitingly.

"No cameras..."

We both looked at each other and spoke at the sametime "Pawn outskirts!"

Eric started driving towards the location quickly. I informed Arthur.

I wanted Zanthus to be there and to not be there at the same time.

I'm so worried.

We reached the place and it was a complete blackout.

Thank god for the full moon.

"Ok, this is the place where you can turn into a werewolf" Eric's imagination was running wild.

"Shut up, we might as well be watched, stay quiet."

"Hold my hand, this is so eerie, we should have brought a shaman."

I ignored his blabber and we continued looking for any movement.


"What the fuck" I was so startled when Eric screamed near my ear.

"I told you to stay quiet Eric, what's wrong with you!"

"Something moved there" he pointed ahead and there was something really moving.

Can I scream now?

"It's ok, it's...let's check, we are brave..."

"I'm only a business man, not brave" Eric held my hand tightly.


I knelt to the ground and went near only to be annoyed at the plastic bag stuck to an electric pole.

"Plastic is a curse" Eric tore the bag.

Before I could move ahead, Eric stopped me "Nora, even if it's a plastic bag, I don't want you to do this ever again, don't stupidly walk into danger, do you get it?"

I understood his concern, I hugged him and apologised. He really needed that hug for he was really shaking with worry.

We continued our quest and Eric stumbled a few times.

"Why are we not using our phone's flashlights?"

"Because we don't want to stick out like fireflies."

We silently moved and it seemed like there was nothing here. My phone vibrated letting me know that Arthur was on his way here with the guards.

We still couldn't get the cops involved just in case my intuition was wrong.

Damn, even if everyone laughs at me later on, I want you to be inside your office enjoying your coffee, Zanthus.

"Look it's Philip!" Eric pointed left and under the moonlight his face was clearly visible but we were still shrouded by darkness. Eric mindlessly ran towards him.


I saw the glint of the metal before he took it out and pointed ahead. I saw a hooded motion in his line of vision.


My collision with the figure was succeeded by a gunshot and a wild scream from Eric. I landed on top of that body.

"What the...Nora!!!" Zanthus' voice rang in my ears and I had never heard his voice so panicked and painful.

"...y..u...idiot" and I fainted.

Hola Bibliopholes,

How are you all?

Things just got spicy here, didn't they?

Enjoy and don't forget to

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