Chapter 19

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I was working for my Hitler boss again. I expected his behavior to change towards me but he was still the same. I was working when he called me to his office.

I knocked on the door and entered.

"Sir you called?" I asked.
"My coffee in the morning tasted bland but now it tastes much better, did you forget how to prepare it in the morning?" he spoke looking through his files.

Such a petty person. Ask Kate, why are you asking me.

"The coffee in the morning was made just the way Kate informed me, according to your preference but the coffee that you are drinking right now, it's according to my recipie" I smirked.

He realized that he had indirectly complimented me. He didn't want to accept it though "Improvise in your work, my coffee requires no improvisation."

I rolled my eyes at him "I'll take my leave then."

Men and their egos.

"You need to get these documents copied, hurry up" he asked me. I turned around and took a huge bundle towards the copying room. I had to bend twice because I dropped a few pages on the way.

Thank goodness I usually wear pants.

While I was getting my work done, Charlotte also came there. I ignored her because I didn't know what to say. She cleared her throat but I pretended to be busy.

"Hi Nora, I missed you" she spoke meekly.

"Hi" I didn't want to be impolite.

"Are you angry at me?" she asked.

I sighed "You didn't even hear my side of story and spoke such bad things, chose his words against me, so guess?"

I kept fumbling with the documents.

"I'm really sorry, I just assumed that you also thought I was worthless, I'm sorry Nora, I should have listened to you" she said sounding desperate.

I looked at her "Charlotte you offered me shelter when I needed it the most, I wanted to repay you, I just got you an opportunity and I never thought you were worthless, I forgive you but I can't forget."

She blocked my way and started crying "Please Nora, I regret everything that I did, please forgive me, please be my sister again, please."

I just couldn't see her crying like that. I felt sad when I saw her literally begging me.

You need to be kind. My parents' words echoed through my mind.

"Stop crying, it's ok, fine" I replied.

"So we are good?" she sniffed.

I nodded and smiled at her.

"So can you come back home? you don't have to live on the sidewalk you know" she said.

"Thanks for the offer but I have a home now" I walked out after saying that and moved towards Zanthus' office.

"You are too slow" he spoke the moment I stepped in.

Get it done by yourself then.

I ignored him and moved to my office. I was in no mood to argue back. There was a lot going on my mind. He kept calling me but I just went to my cabin.

So I'm back here working for him because he doesn't know that his own brother is his nemesis. Charlotte is back in my life though I know we will never have the same relationship as earlier. My mother's watch is still at the pawn shop. Should I spend next salary to pay bills first or should I buy my apartment completely.

My toe collided with the side of my table and I started jumping in pain.

"Is that a new tiktok dance?"

I turned around and saw Eric standing in my office. He laughed at me.

"Do you know basic etiquette of knocking before barging into someone's room?" I glared at him and moved to sit in my chair.

"Come on, we are friends and I wanted check out your office" he grinned.

"Why don't you check out your work first?" we both saw Zanthus looking menancingly at us.

"Zan! I missed you" he made a move to hug him but Zanthus just held his tie and dragged him out.


By evening Charlotte came to my office "Hey! Everyone is leaving so would you join me for pizza? My treat."

She looked hopeful but before I could answer, Zanthus entered my office.

What's with everyone barging in here?

"She won't be leaving, she leaves later than everyone else" and just like that both of them left me alone.

Why you!

By the time I was overworked it was already dark. I couldn't get any cab let alone a bus.

I'm tired of walking so much.

There was an eerie silence around the streets. I was hyper alert when someone started whistling behind me.

Someone's following me. I should have worn my black hoodie.

I started running and made my way towards a scrapyard. I was feeling scared. There was a gunshot.

Oh my god!

"Come out kitten, I know you are hiding somewhere here, you wanna play?" I did not recognize that voice.

I had been calling Zanthus but it was directed to his voicemail. I dialled his number again.

"You do realize this is not the ti..."
I interrupted him "Help me."

I barely whispered and then there was one more gunshot. Zanthus seemed to have become alert now "Where are you? What's..."

"Scrapyard, help!" I spoke and kept quiet. He didn't speak anything but stayed on the line.

He wants to hear me scream? Is he going to save me or not?

And then my phone died.

No! I was going to call 911.

"You have been spotted" I looked up and there was a buff guy standing on the hood of a car. He smiled sadistically and pointed the gun at me. I didn't wait like they do in the movies. I quickly rolled under the car and ran away from him. He may have not expected this because it took him time to get down and chase after me.

I could hear him directly behind me and then another shot was fired and I screamed.

Hola Bibliophiles,

Do you think she should have called 911 first?

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