Chapter 37

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I woke up to the disgusting smell of medicines. The moment I opened my eyes, Eric was out of his seat and jumping in happiness.

"You are awake, finally!, I'm so happy."

"Too loud..." my voice was hoarse. He grinned sheepishly and gave me a glass of water.

"You promised me that you'll never walk into danger" he looked exasperated.

"I kept it, I ran towards danger not walked into it."

He was annoyed. I raised my hands in surrender.

"But honestly, I don't feel that much pain, there's only this bandage around my arm..."

"That's because you were lucky" a nurse entered answering my question "Your vitals are all fine, the bullet just grazed your forearm, you fainted because of shock and dehydration but now you are perfectly fit and healthy."

I heaved a sigh of relief and thanked her. She left us alone.

"Eric, what exactly happened?"

He took a seat near me "I thought Philip was there and ran to greet him but when he pointed his gun towards you and Zanthus without noticing me, I just collided into him..."

"...due to which he missed his aim, you saved me, thank you" I completed his sentence.

"You are such an idiot, I was so worried about you, by that time, all the guards with Arthur reached the site, Philip is in police custody so don't worry. It's not made public yet" Eric held my hand reassuringly.

I smiled at him. I knew when Zanthus was about to be shot that he meant a lot to me. My stupidity made me realize my love for him but it also annoyed me.

What have I gotten into. I got attached to someone else again.


"He was by your side the whole time but I forced him to go home and shower, he's already on his way" Eric winked at me.

Before I could say anything more, Zanthus barged into the room, looking fresh and shocked.

"He..." before I could greet him, he had already embraced me. I felt awkward and tried to push him so that I could check on him but he just tightened his hold.

Wait, what' he crying?

I tried to look for Eric but he had already left giving us some space.

"Let me hold you for a bit more, I want to be sure of you being here as a reality" his voice quivered and I was scared of being scolded by him.

Let's hug him back.

After a few minutes he pulled back and he wasn't crying anymore.

He glared at me "Who the fuck told you to put yourself in danger?, there's a limit to kindness, you can't risk your life, what would have happened if..."

I understood his concern "It was impetuous, I'm not sorry for trying to save someone who didn't even trust me."

He rubbed his forehead "I regretted saying that I trusted my brother over you but it was all a plan to take him into confidence, I went to the site to incite a confession from him but I didn't expect him to use bullets directly before talking, I trusted you not that scum, I'm sorry but I just didn't want you to be part of this dangerous situation but damn woman you always find a way to be there."

"Oh please, your plan sucked big time, I could have helped you..."

"Then do that by staying happy and by my side" he completed my sentence.

"Uh...what?" I was baffled.

He held my hand "Please can we date?"

"This is not the right time..."

"I am done acting like a jerk, please give me a chance Nora, I don't care about your last name, you can have mine..."

"Woah, you are a smooth talker, naa, I like Nora" I replied.

"And I  love Nora and it scares me, I don't want to hurt you ever again. I want to be with you, I'm done overthinking, you mean the world to me" he spoke sincerely.

I was extremely flustered.

"So cute, can I kiss you?" he looked into my eyes.

"Whaaaa....I" I was freaking out.

He kissed me without delaying anymore and that's when I realized that kissing him back felt heavenly. I pulled back blushing profusely.

"I have been dying to do that" he grinned.

Hola Bibliopholes,

This book has been completed,

Yep took a little more time for update but here it is finally.

Our couple is united,

I'm opening this book for all questions you have so go ahead and comment your feelings about this book and any queries you have.

I may work on it's sequel but I'm not sure.

See you soon with one more book,

Who's ready?

Coz it's one of the best books.

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