Chapter 10

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I entered the house walking like a zombie ready to pass out.

"Nora, what's wrong?" Charlotte came running to my side.

"Charlie, I hate my boss, he makes me work like a slave and I am starving" I croaked.

"That's why I didn't see you during lunch, well, honey your warm bath is ready and by the time you come out, pizza will be here" she showed her phone.

I hugged her "you're a life saver."

I ran to the bath. After showering my tiredness away, me and Charlotte ate pizza while talking about our day. I was just listening to her while trying to distract myself.

"Kevin is really a nice guy and Rhea is cool too. Kevin is so hot, I...,Nora where are you?" she waved her hands in front of me.

"I don't think so I can survive this job" I sighed.

"Come on! you're stronger than this. You know I was waiting for you so we could go back together but your sexy boss told me that he would be needing you. He practically shoved me away" she munched on her pizza.

"What? wait, what time you get free at?" I asked.

"Everyone leaves the building at 5" no sooner she said that I threw a tantrum.

"He made me work for two more hours, it was so difficult to get a bus. I can't feel my fingers because of that stupid typing and he couldn't even say thanks" I yelled.

"Easy Nora, go to sleep, I know you are far more efficient and genius. Now sleep" Charlie said soothingly.

I went to sleep but all I could see was Zanthus' face.

Next day, I was already working for the Hitler. Charlotte seemed to be having time of her life but I was being tortured by every passing second.

It was finally lunch time but again he called me. I went to his office cursing him.

"Yes Sir?"

"My car, branded and customised, got a flat tire even if my driver checks it properly everyday. Isn't that strange?" He was standing in front of me with a blank face.

"I'm not your driver Sir" I replied.

"I don't appreciate your sarcasm. It would be better if you tell the truth now" he quirked his eyebrow.

Be it anything, I hate lying. Let's evade the topic.

"Sir, many things happened yesterday, I don't remember.. l." before I could complete my sentence, he gripped my elbow and pulled me close. His vice like grip was hurting so much but I looked directly into his eyes.

Damn his perfume and sex appeal. Such a godly face and so much hatred. I want to kill you.

"You'll pay for this, I have already seen the CCTV. You would be working here whole night. You're dismissed."

He walked away calmly and before I could argue he said "Don't talk back or I'm going to fire Charlotte the moment you open your filthy ugly mouth. Out."

I was shocked and seething with rage. I felt trapped, I didn't know what to do. My stomach kept growling but I drowned myself in the work, attended meetings with Hitler. I was always two steps ahead of him. Always completing the work before he asked for any particular file.

It was four in the evening when Charlotte came into my cabin.

I wish I could tell her.

"Do you know there's a rooftop business party at 7 tonight. Let's go and get ready for it" she held my arm.

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