Chapter 31

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I was sulking around in my home. It's been two days since I went to office. I made an excuse that I wasn't well, of course Zanthus didn't believe me so I blocked him.

I'm so worried now.

I had no mood to face him after he shouted at me. He needed to understand that my personal life is not for him to meddle with.

Right now I was getting ready to leave my apartment building because I knew Zanthus would come here.

He had been too quiet for two days.

I took my wallet and walked towards the elevator of my building.

I deserve a break.

The moment the elevator door opened, I saw Zanthus entering the building. His eyes met mine and he hurried his footsteps.

Close! Close! Close!

I clicked on all the buttons and before he could reach me, the door closed.


I got off on 3rd floor and quickly took the stairs to reach the terrace. I knew he would search on every floor starting from 3rd. I was exhausted by the time I reached terrace.

I'm hungry and thirsty.

I spent my entire day on terrace.

I have no energy to deal with him.

I made up my mind to go to market now because I couldn't risk getting to my room.

While I was taking the stairs, I saw a teenager crying beside her school bag.

"Hey what's wrong?"

The girl looked at me and started crying harder.

Ok I should walk away. No!

"I promise I'll sort out whatever problem you are facing" I spoke gently sitting beside her.

"I failed my school test, mom would be so mad" she sobbed.

"Which subject?" I tried to keep the sympathy hidden.

"Chemistry, I don't like it, I love maths" she stopped crying.

"So you know about the fields medal?"

She gaped at me "you know about it?"

I smiled "Listen, focus on what you like the most but you can't ignore other subjects, just study enough to pass them, you don't have to overdo anything, just concentrate on your dreams, other subjects shouldn't hold you back, study enough to pass them."

"That's an awesome advice!" she exclaimed but soon became sad again.

"What happened now?"

"Can you please talk to my mom? I don't want to be scolded by her, I..."

"No I won't, this is your life, take control of it, own upto your faults, just apologize to her sincerely and she'll understand" I replied.

She sighed and got up. She started limping after picking up her bag. I rolled my eyes.

"Give me your bag and why you are walking like that?" I asked.

"I was extremely sad and didn't pay attention, so I tripped on my way here, sorry" she handed me her bag.

When we reached her floor, I saw Arthur standing thirty steps away from me. I dropped her bag and ran back to the stairs.

"Hey stop!" I heard his voice. I could hear the teenager also asking me what happened.

Why must I be so kind to everyone! I need to get out of the building.

I reached the ground floor and I could see the exit with golden words of freedom written on it. I dashed forward.

I stumbled upon a raised structure but before I could fall two strong arms broke my fall.

"Caught you."


Hi Bibliopholes,
I know you had to wait so much for the update that's because I'm gifting you more than one chapter.


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