Chapter 5

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So I was finally ready for my interview. Char dressed me up nicely.

"I hope you are well prepared" she asked.
"Yeah, I revised the stuff and everything" I nodded.

I grabbed my clutch.

"Your certificates, resume.. "

I interrupted her "yes ma'am, I have them."

Char was being anxious and worried more than me. She kept on reminding me of things like a mother would do. I marched towards my door.

"Wait!" Char said.
"What now?" I huffed.

"Take this scarf, my mom bought it and it's lucky for me, so you know.. "

I hugged her "Thanks Char and bye."

"See you with good news. We're going to become rich" I could hear her shouting.

I had to get this job and now I was full of positive energy. I took the taxi and it was 30 minute drive, thanks to nearly empty roads.

The building was massive. The confidence that my dress gave me was long gone. Everyone was dressed proffesionally. I held Charlotte's scarf tightly and walked to the front desk.

"Umm.. "

"Yes ma'am, how may I help you?" a blonde woman asked me. She looked a few years older.

"I'm here for the job of PA of.. "
Shit! I don't even know the name of the employer. Only Reigns was written on the building.

"Zanthus William Reigns. You might be Nora, well go to the 36th floor and Liela will guide you" she smiled.

Thank goodness! Now I know the name of my employer.

"You can call me Kate."

I nodded and walked towards the lift. Last night I watched youtube videos for learning tricks for interviews. I don't feel they have helped me that much but at least now I know how to introduce myself.

I reached the designated floor. The so called Liela guided me to the boss' cabin. She was a beautiful red head women. I looked really dull next to her. But she seemed nice.

I walked towards the cabin for my interview.

Angels if I exist for you, help me get this job.

I entered the cabin but the man was busy on his phone. He didn't look up so I observed him.

Oh wait! Holy cheesecakes! He's the same guy that I greeted with my middle fingers.

I hurriedly turned around and covered my face with my scarf so he could only see my eyes. I heard him clear his throat behind me.

"I assume you are here for interview, have a seat, Miss.. "

"Nora" I completed for him.

"And why are you covering your face like that?" he asked.

He was irritated but even a frown looked beautiful on his gorgeous face and damn those eyes, vibrant sea green.

Oh gosh! Get a grip Nora.

"Umm..Mr.Reigns I have caught a cold and it's infectious. On second thought I don't want this job. I'll be leaving" I got up to leave.

I can't show you my face. Who knows if he blacklists me.

"What the hell? If you don't want the job then stop wasting my time and get out you nasty disease" he yelled.


I just turned around and started walking out. I really wanted to argue back but I didn't want to be caught.

phew safe!


Shit! Spoke too soon.

"Rhea, h...hii" I was screwed now. I saved her from some delinquents but now I was regretting helping her.

She held my hand and made me turn around "Bro, this is the girl who saved my life, remember I told you."

Bro? Oh no!

The moment Rhea made me turn around, his face became red with anger and I plastered a fake smile.


"You! so that's why you were hiding your face not to mention your fake cold" he spat. He was clearly shocked, amused, angry, all at the same time.

"You know her? Wait! Are you here for an interview. Go easy on her" she hugged me and went out.

He glared at me before he could burst out on me, I spoke.

"I know we didn't meet under good first impression but trust me we don't have to tolerate each other..." he interrupted me "Just get out and..." he brought a pile of cash and threw it at me "take your filthy money back. I'll never hire a beggar like you."

You are done for! Nobody insults me.

"Just shut up! you? you'll hire me? Dude, I will never work for you. Never ever you snobby narrow minded bastard" I practically ran out of his cabin just so he couldn't yell at me again.

On my way out, I bumped into Rhea.

"Hey so how did it go?" she asked.
"I couldn't get the job. I'm.. Rhea can you pay me back.. I mean you owe me your life" I asked.

It felt really bad to say things like that.

"Seriously? I thought you were nice. How much money do you want bitch!"

Well they really are siblings.

"No don't get me wrong. My friend Charlotte, she's good at graphic designs and photography. Can you please hire her since you seem to handle that department. Please" I asked.

"Fine but.. " I interrupted her.
"She's really hardworking..." I wrote down Charlotte's number on a paper and gave it to her "Please call her and tell her that she's hired and I will mail you her resume. Charlotte Dave, that's her name."

"Ok and now we're even" she huffed.

"Yeah thanks" I smiled.
"And on second thought, you are really kind" she left.

I walked out of the building towards my home. All the youtube videos, my net pack, my dress up, everything went in vain. It's so not okay.

To be honest, I didn't know what to feel.

Happy or sad?

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