Chapter 20

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I fell down and turned around to see that it was the buff guy who was shot, not me. He was writhing in pain and I turned away from that sight.

Someone pulled me up and I instinctively started fighting "No! Let me go, no..."

"No!" I tried to yank my hand away. I was petrified and adrenaline pumping in me made me fight incessantly.

It was when the person hugged me, I realized that I was shivering in fear.

"Sssshhh, it's me, you are safe, you are ok, you are fine, you are safe."

I looked up to see Zanthus' eyes meeting mine. He wiped my tears. I didn't even know I was crying. Just then I heard footsteps and I may have looked scared again because Zanthus picked me up in his arms. I held onto him tightly and hid my face in his chest.

"Boss I..."

"Aidan we will talk about this tomorrow, you know what to do" he said.

"Yes sir, she ok?" I heard Aidan asking.

Zanthus' hold on me tightened "Yes, she's fine."
His tone was as if he was convincing himself more than Aidan. He carried me to his car.

"I'm going to tuck you in, ok?" he spoke very softly.

I released my hold on him and settled into his car. He didn't speak anything during the entire drive but his fingers intertwined with mine were more than enough to make me feel a bit better.

We reached his home. I just couldn't believe that he could be this gentle.

"You remember the way to the guest room right?" he asked.

I nodded and silently followed my way to the room. His maid Marie assisted me. I was given a fresh set of pyjamas and I went ahead to shower.

Should I leave this job? Was it him who attacked? I don't know what to do.

I dressed up mechanically and sat on my bed. There was a knock on my door but I didn't care to answer. Zanthus walked in with food.

"Are you ok?" he asked while keeping the food on the table.
I nodded without looking at him. He placed his finger under my chin and made me look at him and then I lost all control on my tears.

He quickly hugged me "I'm so sorry for not answering your calls, I'm so sorry for making you work late at night, I'm sorry for not being considerate, I'm so sorry."

"I...I was so scared" and then I kept crying for long but Zanthus kept on apologizing and saying sweet things. He rubbed my back soothingly. It was only when I had calmed down that he pulled back.

"You need to eat something" he moved the food towards me.

I didn't feel like eating at all "I don't want to."


"Are...are you...washing off your guilt by doing all this?" my voice cracked and he looked pained. I didn't believe that he could be so caring.

"I'm not doing it for that, I'm guilty but that doesn't mean that I don't have emotions, it doesn't mean that I can't care for others" he replied.

I nodded. I was too tired to talk any further. He tucked me in. While I was about to go into sleep, I felt him kiss my forehead.

"Hope you forgive me. Goodnight my brave Nora."

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