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Snow is a wonderful and magical thing.

Naturally, there are different forms. There's light fluffy snow, drifting around like the way cottonwood fluff does in summer. Like somebody shook a snowglone and you're standing in the centre of it. There's sticky snow, good for making snow people and forts. Making your inner child happy with delight. Then there's wet and soggy snow, also called slush. Slush is shit.

Slush is the negative energies testing your patience and skill. Slush is the fine line between flying and falling. Slush is a bad habit hoping to take another victim to the pits. Slush is garbage to drive in.

But, snow of all sorts are good in one way: for its magical qualities. Snow water on an altar, used for charmed water and spells for a Witch, Wiccan, or Pagan, is wonderful. Fresh snow is the best, but any snow will do. Oh, and snow harvested under a full moon – the pure magic! Full moon snow, melted and then used to charge crystals and stones, while also being under the full moon! Supercharged! Such strong qualities from a substance so simple.

Also harvesting snow to keep for any spells that need an extra boost is great. Really puts a charm over the top.

So yes: snow is an interesting thing. And it also relies on perspective. As does anything in life.

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