Poetry has been a newfound love in my life, especially lately, and it was strengthened while I attended Street Spirits Theatre Company. I was in grade eleven when I first started, and wrote some half assed sappy stuff – I was a depressed kid; now I'm just a depressed adult – but I loved to write. The director of the company is a poet, and he shared his work sometimes. He instilled my deep love of poetry, my persistence to keep at it and try different mediums.
It was him that taught the group something called "found poetry", where you would use written words around you to create a poem, ultimately "finding" the poem. We were in the main sitting room of the Youth Around Prince George building, because our beloved YAP Friends building was undergoing unexpected renovations. Behind us on the wall was a notice board for YAP, posters and notices and things spewed about. We were told to read the posters, find words that stuck out to us, and make a poem out of it. I still have mine. It was written September 2nd of 2017:
Sometimes life sucks...
Trust your instincts
Will be available to answer your questions,
We're here 24/7This is my first ever found poem. Up until that point, I'd never even heard of found poetry. It's such an interesting form, because the world has written it for you, you just have to piece it together. It's unique and different. I love this form. I only wish I had more opportunity to use it.
Since then, now that those rehearsal days are in the past, I've been turning to poetry as often as one would breathe. I rely on it as a source of life. It's like I can't go a whole day would scribbling some lines that will put me at ease – poetry is my cocaine.

Non-FictionI had this idea last night after a few drinks, a pounding headache, and an excessive amount of throat lozenges. In order to inspire me to write more often than I currently do, I am planning to write a new post every day and publish it, allowing me t...