Lullaby Taylor, the girl who showed up at Bilbo Baggins' door, was warmed up; she ate the food Bilbo gave her, and sat in front of the fireplace with a cup of tea. Bilbo sat on the floor beside her; he was polite and accommodating to her, and she barely knew him. He was the most polite person she'd ever met.
Bilbo smiled at her. "Now. Did you feel up to talking? Maybe we can figure out these confusing things together."
Lullaby nodded; she was as confused by everything as Bilbo was, but he looked calmer about it than she felt. She knew if it wasn't for her, and if she had to figure things out in her own, she would have a panic attack.
"Where are you from?" Bilbo asked.
"Dixie," she answered.
Bilbo frowned. "I've never heard of that place. Are you sure it's a place?"
Lullaby nodded. "It's a city in Provincia. It's not a good city, but still."
"I've been heard of that either."
Lullaby frowned back. "Well, where am I?"
"Hobbiton, in The Shire," Bilbo answered. "More specifically, Bag End."
"I've never heard of them," Lullaby said then; her voice was barely above a whisper. She felt more confused than before.
"Are there creatures in your city?" Bilbo asked then.
"Like animals? Or crooks?" Lullaby asked slowly back. Her city was full of crooked criminals, and sometimes people called them creatures.
"Like dwarfs, elves, wizards... hobbits?"
Lullaby slowly shook her head. "No.... That sort of thing is only written about in books, fantasy type of thing."
"Those things exist here, in this world." Bilbo was quiet a moment. "We're from two different worlds, I believe." His voice was soft. "You're just currently in mine."
Lullaby met his eyes. "I don't know how I got here. I thought I was going to bed last night, and I woke up in a field while being pelted with freezing rain." She looked away from him, forcing herself not to cry. "I had wished I was dead."
Bilbo was quiet a long moment. "Maybe that's why you were sent here. To allow you to live." He gently took her hand. "To feel alive."
She couldn't help but smile at his words. "I hope you're right."
He leaned forward, gently tucking her hair behind her ear. He watched her carefully. "I've read about humans as though they're myth: rounded ears, incredibly mortal.... Are you human?"
"Yeah, I guess." She looked at him. "Human in Hobbiton."
Bilbo smiled, gently squeezing her hand. "Yes. And that's okay. You're welcome to stay as long as you like."
Emotions caught in her throat. "Thank you, Bilbo."
"You're most welcome."
The clock above the fireplace rang out midnight.
"I believe a good night's sleep is in order." Bilbo helped Lullaby stand, and guided her down the hallway. "I have a spare room all set up for you. If you need anything, I'll be just down the hall if you need anything."
She thanked him, and bid him good night. The room was cozy and welcoming. As she went to sleep, her heart felt lighter than it had in her own world.

Non-FictionI had this idea last night after a few drinks, a pounding headache, and an excessive amount of throat lozenges. In order to inspire me to write more often than I currently do, I am planning to write a new post every day and publish it, allowing me t...