She knew she wasn't a warrior. She want strong or brave or anything, really, in comparison to the dwarves she traveled with. Hell, even the hobbit, Bilbo, was braver than she was.
In her world, she never had reason to learn how to swing an axe for battle. Yet, here she was, swinging a Dwarven axe against a band of Orcs, defending herself and the dwarves from them.
It was some hidden instinct; she had heard Thorin call her name in horror, and spun around just in time to block an Orc blade from hitting her, using the handle of the Dwarven axe. Using some miracle strength, she'd managed to push the Orc's sword away, causing it to stumble, before swinging the heavy steel of the Dwarven blade, slicing the Orc's head clean off.
The warm splatter against her face scared her for a mere second, before it felt normal. Like she was made for battle. Like she was supposed to be in that moment.
Fili's arm had wrapped around her waist then, pulling her toward the cave; she didn't even hear him come near her. Last she saw of him, he was out in the open with Kili, and she was at the cave's mouth with Thorin, as he called for Kili and Fili to hurry. She slid down the cave entrance with the guidance of Fili, and when their feet touched down, his hands held her shoulders. His blue eyes were frantic, looking her over from head to toe, making sure she wasn't hurt. When he could find no wound, his worry turned to surprise; he was amazed that a human could take doen an Orc.
She was just as amazed as he was. She didn't think she would have been able to do it.
Fili encouraged and praised her, as Kili had, both of the dwarves amazed at Lullaby's bravery.
When they had to continue their journey through the caves, Lullaby caught sight of Bilbo. The Hobbit looked at her with something resembling fear and shock. Like he didn't know the human had the sudden burst of bravery in her, and it shocked him. She wanted to go to him, tell him she was kind of afraid by her actions while also being inspired by them. But she smiled at Bilbo, as Fili's hands on her shoulders guided her forward.
She'd killed her first Orc, and it was over as quickly as a heartbeat. She felt like she could be as brave and strong as a dwarf after all. Just maybe.

Non-FictionI had this idea last night after a few drinks, a pounding headache, and an excessive amount of throat lozenges. In order to inspire me to write more often than I currently do, I am planning to write a new post every day and publish it, allowing me t...