The Company moved along, the sun only getting higher in the sky. The dwarfs chattered amongst themselves; spirits were still high, excited about the adventure. Kili and Fili were near the back; I hadn't seen them since we started, since I was at the front with Thorin.
"Something bothering me," Thorin said then, the silence between us gone. I look to him, seemingly eager for conversation with him; he was easy to talk to, and I liked the sound of his voice.
"What's that?" I ask.
His blue eyes meet my grey ones; they seem to soften a little. He hesitated a bit with his words, before speaking. "Everything about you is bothering me."
I frown at his words; a little bit ago he said I was a welcome party in the Company, and he seemed sympathetic, even, about it.
He chuckled at me. "I didn't mean that, Lullaby. I meant.... I meant that I know nothing of humans – of your kind, other than the small things you've told Gandalf and I. Yet I know about goblins, trolls, elves, wizards – my lack of knowledge toward humans is troublesome to me." I can see a kind smile on his face. "I meant no ill will toward you, Lullaby."
I exhale, a sudden weight off my chest. I thought he was implying he disliked me. "I see. Well, humans all differ from one another, even though we're all people, I guess. What sorts of things do you want to know?"
"Are there any kind ones? The ones you've described to me are toxic creatures."
"The ones who claimed to be my friends were toxic. I'm sure there are nice humans out there, I probably haven't met them yet. And I don't care to; I don't like talking to humans, because they make me nervous. Anxious, I guess." I exhale slowly.
Thorin pondered a moment. "What do humans do?"
"Like for fun, or for work?" I ask back.
Thorin looked at at me then, like my question confused him further. "I suppose for both," he says slowly.
"Depends on the person: some go back to school and learn sciences and stuff that requires a lot of brains, others look toward trades, others politics, and the main lot get stuck in minimum wage garbage," I answer with a shrug. "In the city I'm from, a lot of people liked sports and getting shitfaced drunk in public, but not everybody is like that." I shrug again. "It all depends on the person and their personal interests, I guess."
Thorkn was quiet a long moment, taking everything in. "And what about you? What are your interests?"
Air seemed to clog in my lungs; I wasn't expecting a specified question. "I, uh.... I don't know. I don't like my world, so I try to do anything I can to get out of it. I read, write, draw, I do craft things. I collect rocks and stones, pinecones, cool sticks – I just do what I can to ignore the humanity of the world."
He smiles a bit. "You sound like a hobbit."
I couldn't help but laugh at the comment. "I guess that's why I was found by one."
He nods, agreeing with me. "On the topic of the hobbit–"
"– WAIT!! WAIT!!"
The Company stops; Thorin brings them all to a halt. From the trees emerges Bilbo Baggins in a run; he has a jacket on, and a backpack of his own strapped to his back. As he runs, he's waving the paper contract Thorin and Balin gave him last night.
"I've signed it!" Bilbo says as he slows to a walk beside the ponies; he holds the paper up to Balin, who accepts it. Inspecting it with his glasses, a silence fell over the Company. Bilbo sees me, and a smile flashes on his face. I smile back; I knew he'd show up.
"Everything seems to be in order," Balin said then, satisfied with the contract Bilbo gave him. He folds it up, and tucks it in his bag.
Bilbo turned to Thorin, who seemed to be staring him down intently. Finally, he said, "Get him a pony." Thorin turned and continued forward. As Bilbo went to object, he was lifted onto one of the extra ponies brought along. The Company congratulated and welcomed Bilbo on the journey.
I turn my pony around, and fell in step beside Thorin.
I look toward Thorin; he holds out his pouch of coins toward me, his eyes on the path ahead of him.
Wrapping my fingers around his, I gently push his hand back toward him; surprised, he looks down at my hand, then to me.
I smile at him. "Keep it."
"I lost the bet," he said slowly.
I simply shrug. "Keep it in good faith."
His smile returns, and he nods once, putting his coins back in his pocket. "Kind hearted you are, Lullaby."
"Just trying to match you, Oakenshield."
He chuckled deep; from the corner of my eyes, I see him shake his head.

Non-FictionI had this idea last night after a few drinks, a pounding headache, and an excessive amount of throat lozenges. In order to inspire me to write more often than I currently do, I am planning to write a new post every day and publish it, allowing me t...