The sun was high in the sky, with barely any clouds blocking the blue of it. Chatter amongst the dwarfs kept morale high, and the beautiful landscape we passed and traveled through made it all the more wonderful. The ponies were nice enough, too, smelling the fresh air and watching birds as we passed by lucious leafy trees. The pony I was given was quiet, and liked looking around, taking everything in. Kind of like me, in that sense.
Thorin turned to me then. "So, human. What land do you travel from?"
I turn to him; Thorin had been quiet since we bet on Bilbo's appearance. That felt like ages ago. Hearing Thorin's deep voice startled me a bit. "What land? Ugh.... I'm from a place that can't be traveled to from here, I guess."
Thorin's eyebrows furrowed, confused by my answer. "If it is far away, the journey would simply take longer, would it not?"
"No, it's not that." I shake my head. "My world doesn't exist here. I can't just go back to it, even if I traveled for months. It's strange to talk about it and it's complicated–"
"–What she means," Gandalf said then; he was following close behind Thorin and I. "Is that her appearance here is a phenomenon that cannot be traced backward." Gandalf looked at me. "Like a door closing itself, sealing up, into a wall. Impossibly to backtrack."
I nod. "That's it, basically. I can't go back. I mean, not that I want to."
"Is your world really that bad?" Thorin asks; I can hear compassion in his words.
I nod in answer. "In comparison to this world, most definitely. It's a toxic place. I hate it with a passion. I don't have friends I can count on and care about – they usually use me for money and a chauffeur. If they can steal something from me, or use me for their own gain, then that's all I am to them." I can feel the familiar sting of tears in my eyes; I wipe them away with my sleeve. "If you even begin to show that you're a nice person, they'll steal the life out of you." I look up; Thorin is watching me carefully. "And I don't like that. I don't belong there."
A smile crossed his face. "Well, Lullaby. You're more than welcome to stay amongst us. Belonging somewhere is important – it may not be in a place, but always amongst friends. We consider you that already."
Heat hit my cheeks; he accepted me as part of the Company. And, he'd used my name, instead of just calling me "human." "Thank you, Thorin. That's incredibly kind."
Thorin nods at me, like a silent "you're welcome."
"Miss Taylor," Gandalf says; I turn my attention to him. "I can assure you, the pain you'd endured in your world – all of the thievery and toxicity – that, you will not experience here. We have thieves in this world, yes, but none that steal your soul, your living emotions. By comparison, I'd assume this world will act as a haven to you." He smiles then. "And I hope that is what it will be. For all."
I can't help but smile back. "I hope so, too. Thank you."
Thorin exhaled then, looking up at the sky. "It is nearing high noon. The hobbit has yet to appear." He looked to Gandalf and I. "His time is running out."
"We got a headstart," Gandalf replies. "Give him a bit to catch up."
"You still believe he will show up?" Thorin asks; his blue eyes turn to me.
The pit of my stomach hurt; it was a certainty. "He will turn up. I'd say within the hour. Maybe even less."
A bit of a surprised smile made its way onto Thorin's face. "So confident, you are. I guess we'll just have to see if that confidence of yours pays off."

Non-FictionI had this idea last night after a few drinks, a pounding headache, and an excessive amount of throat lozenges. In order to inspire me to write more often than I currently do, I am planning to write a new post every day and publish it, allowing me t...