The dwarfs in Bilbo Baggins' living room began to sing.
It was deep, melodic, and beautiful. It was a battle song, but one expressing that the road ahead was a long one. That they were putting everything they had on the line to get back what was once theirs. That they accept this is as their fate, whatever this fate would bring to them.
It made my heart ache for them. They'd lost so much. And they were willing to risk everything to get it back.
I knew Bilbo had denied joining them on their quest. He saw it all as too much – especially when talk of Smaog, the dragon, came up. If Bilbo joined them or not, it didn't matter – the dwarfs had theor sights on taking back what was left of Erebor.
After the song, sweet smoke still lingered in the air. The dwarfs gathered themselves, letting the reality of their quest sink in.
I stood up, and gently gave Kili's hand back to him; his eyes were wide, surprised. I smiled at him. "I'll be back in a minute." He smiled back, letting my hand go.
I padded through the halls, until I found Bilbo's room at the end; he was sitting on his bed, hands holding the sides, eyes on the floor. His eyes were still, though I could tell his mind was racing.
He looked up at my voice. His eyes softened a little. "Lullaby; I haven't seen much of you. That one dwarf trapped you, didn't he?"
I chuckled at his description of Kili's behavior. "Sort of, I guess." I came over and sat beside him.
"Have they gone yet?"
"Soon, I think." I met his eyes; I knew he wasn't going to agree with what I said next. "I'm going with them."
His eyes widened in shock; he hadn't been expecting that. "What? Why? Why would you be doing that?" The questions flowed quickly from him.
"I want to help them, if I can. I'm not a warrior like them, by any means. But I feel like I could help them. And I want to."
Bilbo exhaled then; it had been what he thought I'd say. He took one of my hands in both of his. "I just want you to be safe. This quest of theirs...." He looked at me; worry was set in his eyes. "I just want you to be safe, is all."
I smile at his concern. "I will. I promise."
He hugged me then; I know Bilbo wasn't one for hugs. This decision really affected him. I hug him back.
"Promise me I'll see you again?" he asks, hope in his voice.
A weird feeling hit my stomach; it was like a positivity, an affirmation. "Yes, Bilbo; I promise you that you'll see me again."
He let go of me, and held me at arms length. "Okay. Be safe."
"I will." I stood up. "Until then." As I left Bilbo's room, I felt his eyes on me.
Swiftly to the guest bedroom, I gathered what little bit I had into a bag Bilbo had given me when I arrived – seemingly out of nowhere, and on his front door. He had cared for me since he found me, and has done so ever since. I owe a lot to him, I know. I stuff a few spare clothes, a book from Bilbo, and a couple of rocks I found with Bilbo on our summer walks, into the bag. I sinched it up, and left the room.
I met the dwarfs at the front door; they were beginning to leave. Kili stood there, defiant on staying until he saw me, as Thorin – the leader of the company – was telling Kili it was time to go. Kili smiled as he saw me, and pointed at me to Thorin. He turned around, looking me over from head to toe and back again. Thorin's arms crossed over his chest.
"The human," Thorin said then, some sarcasm in his deep voice. "To what do we owe the pleasure?"
I pulled by backpack on. "I may not be a warrior like you, Thorin Oakenshield, or a burglar like what you seek, but I want to help you. I want to help you win back your homeland." I met his eyes. "I'm just a human from another world, that feels nothing like yours. But, I feel I was destined to help. To fight alongside you and your company, if it comes down to it." I exhale then, squaring my shoulders. "I would like to join you and your company, Thorin Oakenshield."
He was silent a long while; Kili watched from the doorway, and Gandalf leaned in to watch, as he was standing outside. We three were all in anticipation of Thorin's next words.
A slight smile crossed his face. "You had me at "homeland", human."
I smiled; Kili's arms were around me in a second. "Thank you," I said to Thorin.
"Let us leave this place, prepare for the quest. The sun rises early."
I left the comforts of Bilbo's hobbit hole – everything I'd known in this world – and followed the company of a wizard and dwarfs, into the night.

Non-FictionI had this idea last night after a few drinks, a pounding headache, and an excessive amount of throat lozenges. In order to inspire me to write more often than I currently do, I am planning to write a new post every day and publish it, allowing me t...