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The older I get, the more I realize how sensitive I am to outside noises.

The neighbor blasts shitty music while he adds more crap to his car; no amount of turning up the volume of the movie I'm watching will drown it out. The window is closed and locked, and even putting up a blanket doesn't shut out the sound. It's like the neighbor has no regard for anybody else on the block.

I was writing poetry as I watched the movie. I couldn't focus. I had to stop writing, and now the movie cant hold my interest over the shitty music from bad car speakers. I feel uncomfortable, the more that shit drags on. I can't focus, I can't calm my breathing, and my head feels like it's going to explode. I hate the feeling.

He won't stop the music, he won't turn it down, and even more, he won't change the song. If he does, nobody can tell over the shaky static bass of the speakers. He doesn't care that most of the tenants in the building work nights, and are rustled awake at the noise. He doesn't care that they're overtired and underpaid. He doesn't care that their livelihoods are on the line if they don't get enough sleep. He doesn't give a fuck.

I wish I had the courage to share my thoughts vocally. To tell the neighbor to shut the fuck up. Grow up. Have some manners for those around him. I know he sneaks booze into his coffee, a d sometimes the coffee is all booze. I know he tries hiding it and fails miserably. I know he's too blind by spirits to see the real damage he's doing. And I know there's nothing anybody can say to convince him to change his ways.

The music will continue until he grows tired of it and passes out in the back seat from the liquor. That could be ten minutes from now, or ten hours.

All we can do now is do our best to ignore it and just wait for the silence.

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