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My brain doesn't seem to be working today.

I've been sitting here for probably ten minutes or more, trying to think about something to say. Nothing is coming to my mind. It's infuriating, because I feel like I have so much I need to say.

I could talk about the weather here, which is warm and melting. It's surprising because the past couple of days have been snowy and cold. Now, it is warm, slushy, and the wind outside feels welcoming. It's both weird and nice.

I could talk about what I've been thinking about, which is an eighties TV show called 21 Jump Street, and the local Prince George theatre group I desperately miss called Street Spirits Theatre Company. Street Spirits focused on a type of theatre called Theatre of the Oppressed, which basically demonstrates how life can feel sometimes: everything feels down in the dumps, no light at the end of the tunnel. This form of theatre inspired audience members to create change, to make a difference. At Street Spirits, we talked about street issues, like drug use and abuse, hooking, neglect, family problems, LGBTQ issues, drinking, peer pressure – a lot of the issues Street Spirits talked about, 21 Jump Street did it first. When I watch the show, I'm reminded of the work Street Spirits did.

I also could talk about how much I want to sleep, but I have to adult. I have to go to work later, and I know by the time I get back home, I'm going to feel like shit, and I'm not going to want to do anything. And because tonight I'm going to feel like shit, I know that half of my day tomorrow will be wasted by more exhausted sleep, because I know I'm not going to want to move or do anything for a while. And I work late night tomorrow, too, so even though I'll be too exhausted and worn out to move, my sleep won't feel restful. And I'm tired just thinking about it.

My brain is too tired to think. I just want to shut everything off for a little while, just until I can feel rested.

Until next time, be safe, and peace.

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